Page 33 - December 2019
P. 33
Actual High Performance Leadership (HPL) Project Overview
HPL Project Steps How John Did It
1. Select a project to exercise Start a Wrestling Booster Club at local high school
Recruit a “Guidance John asked the school’s athletic director to help, since the director’s
2. Committee” to mentor understanding of the sports program would be invaluable. John also
you asked a Toastmasters member whose opinions he highly regarded. John
asked his wife who knew him best.
John met with the other parents and formed an action team. The parents
Form an “Action Team” were eager to rally behind him and he quickly discovered the high
3. to help enthusiasm so many of them had for the team. They named coordinators
for transportation, concession-food sales, and for providing food before
and during matches, as well as for other fund-raising efforts.
Document the plan: From the athletic director, John learned about the wrestling team’s
4. Goals you want to debt, annual losses and the costs involved in running such a program.
accomplish, timeframes, This gave him a starting point and how far they needed to go.
success criteria
Work the plan: Meet
periodically with your John held periodic meetings with both the “Guidance Committee” for
5. team and guidance oversight and the “Action Team” for setting/accomplishing goals.
committee to ‘fine-tune’
the plan
Review the “Results and The school’s wrestling team won the county championship after only
6. Lessons Learned” with a month. From there they went on to win two regional championships
your team / committee and sent two wrestlers to the state championship.
Submit to TI the
7. written evaluations and Earned his award by using the HPL Guide here
signatures of members
of Guidance Committee