Page 30 - 2018 December
P. 30
better, and I wanted to be around professional that I liked morning clubs and the drive south
people like I was at Weyerhaeuser. vs. the drive north to Bend so I joined as a
charter member. It was a fun club to get going.
How has Toastmasters helped you with We celebrated 7 years this July. We had a fun
your business? and active club. The membership in the later
Not directly, but it has helped me find my voice, years consisted of the owners and employees
keep learning, have fun, and meet new people. of one company in La Pine. Their employees
I have been a Toastmaster since 1984. It will were required to attend Toastmasters as training
be 35 years April 2019. It’s been both fun and until they achieved their CTM. That resulted in
challenging. I look forward to the changes and a lot of turnover. As soon as Pathways came, the
the challenges that Pathways brings. I was ready members signed up for it but never had speeches
for a change and I think Toastmasters was too. ready. Three of us have been actively pursuing
Pathways. Only one member from the company
Your small town club is facing some is still active. One meeting was just the two of
challenges—how are you addressing us. With the help of our two online coaches, we
them? are relaunching as a hybrid club on a different
I live in Sunriver which is where Oregon day and time, and with a different name. We are
Communicators was formerly located. La still struggling with the day and time, but we
Pine Chamber Toastmasters, which is now are moving forward. We had a dry run hybrid
Newberry Speak to Succeed, when I was with meeting. It gave us an idea of setup and what
the Communicators Plus club in Bend (which we need to do. We think that offering online
originally started in Sunriver). As part of my attendance will help us grow the club outside
DTM I was a mentor to the La Pine Club when the small community of La Pine. We have some
it chartered and fulfilled some of the duties of learning curves when it comes to social media
the Sponsor who had to bow out early. I decided and boots on the ground marketing. Stay tuned!