Page 9 - 2018 September Voices
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though, stabbing pain underneath the right side leadership development. As I searched for
of my rib cage started with a vengeance. An opportunities to develop my self-confidence that
emergency room visit determined that my IV had been rattled to the core amidst life-altering
antibiotics caused severe gallstones that required medical challenges, I told my supervisor how
emergency surgery. much I enjoyed public speaking while I was in
The battle wasn’t over yet, though, as I was college. He said that our agency had recently
still without a sizeable section of my skull. Two chartered a new Toastmasters club and thought
months after having my gallbladder removed, I’d enjoy being a part of it. I attended a few
I had my sixth brain surgery and had plates put meetings as a guest and quickly felt inspired
into place where my skull had previously been to join. Each session made me more convinced
removed. that joining Toastmasters would help me hone
Seven months after my sixth brain surgery critical skills needed for success in my career
an experimental device known as a Vagus and in life overall.
Nerve Stimulator became available. Because I Although a portion of my brain tumor is
continued to struggle with severe seizures, I had inoperable and I still have epilepsy, I refuse to
surgery to have one implanted. As my medical let that stop me from pursuing my dreams and
miracle, the stability this has provided allowed doing what I love most – public speaking and
me to finish my bachelor’s degree, earn my helping others see that they too can achieve
MBA, live independently for the 10 years before their dreams. Every day indeed is a special gift.
meeting my husband, pursue a career, and most I’ll never let another pass by without treasuring
recently, summit Mt. Kilimanjaro. its fantastic beauty. In fact, I’m convinced that’s
Shortly after I began my career as a civil why it’s called the “present.”
servant, I started seeking opportunities for