Page 11 - 2018 September Voices
P. 11
District Trio training was a mind-blowing
and impactful experience. Emilie, Cate, and I
did our best to impersonate sponges to soak up
valuable wisdom, and share ideas with the top
300+ leaders in our Toastmasters world. We will
be presenting and acting upon these lessons
learned within the next few months, be ready
for some excitement!
Here are three key takeaways as a preview:
1. The Club Success Plan coupled with a
Moments of Truth are the “Secret Sauce” for
thriving clubs. November 15th is a District
incentive deadline if your club has not yet
completed yours.
2. If clubs are not giving Pathways speeches and
celebrating education achievements, they
are likely less than a year from collapse. All
new members are in Pathways. If they are
unable to achieve recognition, and work on
their goals, they will likely leave.
3. The leadership side of the organization is
undersold gold. It has enormous impact
outside of the club and in our community.
Sharing how every leadership role within
the club meeting and organization can help
individuals thrive is vital. I encourage you
to do so.
These takeaways, and many more, echo the
goal for District 7 this year: To provide positive
value to every member, at every meeting, by
finding out and answering their “WHY” for
Are you free falling into fun and answering
your “WHY” for Toastmasters? Have you shared
that “WHY” with your club? We hope so, if
not, it can be an excellent subject for your next
Pathways speech . . .