Page 8 - voices.may2018
P. 8
What is your process for
developing a speech idea?
Oh my. . . I often write down a
thought and later go back to it
and the speech pops into my
brain! I seldom have to really
work at writing a speech.
What has helped you most
to develop an award-winning speech?
Taking into account the input of many people I foods? Tell us about Brinn – what makes
trust and admire. A word here, a gesture there, you tick?
the suggestion to Own the State—crafting the I like to relax with a cat…or 4 in my case!
wording is often tricky since one person may Reading is a favorite pastime. Food…Icecream…
LOVE it and another not! But certainly I think blueberries and pretzels are some favorites.
this is a big part listening and incorporating What makes me tick? I love words, I love to look
suggestions. them up and sound them out and place them
As you practiced your speech for in stories. I also love music. Maybe the two go
competition, how did you keep it fresh together?
and not sound over rehearsed? I understand that Toastmasters
I try not to practice it too often. Once it is in my International provides competitors with
head and I have it memorized, I find it is easier a round trip ticket to the convention. Are
to keep if fresh by imagining the audience. you seeking sponsors to help defray your
They are the ones who direct the flow and keep costs? If people want to contribute to
it fresh for me. your expenses, how can they reach you?
Oh YEAH I am seeking sponsors! I am
On the day of competition, what’s your unemployed right now so you can imagine! I
favorite way to prepare for your seven hope to have a jewelry sale (I make jewelry).
minutes on stage? People can reach me at my email: brinn_h@
Well, I breathe deeply a few times, try to relax
the shoulders and always take a little drink. Dry I set up a gofundme page so that my
mouth is NOT something I want on the stage! Toastmasters family and friends can follow me as
And I look at the stage, the lighting and space. I prepare for the convention. Any contributions
to help defray the costs of representing the
What do you do for relaxation? Favorite