Page 10 - voices.may2018
P. 10


      my interview clothes at home. I went dressed in        what, I want them to leave feeling inspired to do

      the only thing I could buy at the last minute—         better, but feeling good that they had the courage
      stovepipe jeans and a top that I hadn’t realize        to give their speech. This rule #1 guides every
      would wrinkle so much. I most certainly wasn’t         evaluation I do.
      going to wow them with my first impression! Now            I always remember that it’s less about ‘what’ I

      I had two strikes against me—I was a psychologist      say than ‘how’ I say it. I try to couch ever sentence
      not a pharmacist and I sure didn’t look like good      with ‘I feel . . .’ instead of  ‘you did. . .’ and instead
      hiring material.                                       of using ‘but. . .’ (which often feels like it negates
           But as I stepped into the room, my magical        everything that came before) I try to use the

      Toastmasters cape of confidence slipped over           word ‘and . . .’
      my shoulders allowing my best self to step                 If I feel awkward about saying it, then I know
      forward. They laughed at my sassiness and my           it’s going to make the person receiving the
      stories and hired me. Whether it’s standing in         message feel awkward. But I also know there

      front of my team to motivate and inspire them          is always a way to say even difficult things in a
      or giving an employee honest feedback (just            way that still leaves a person feeling honored. If
      another evaluation), or stepping into leadership       I truly can’t find a way to say it that doesn’t feel
      roles, Toastmasters has given me a safe place to       awkward then rule #2 applies: if in doubt then

      experiment and skills training that I could not        leave it out, and if it’s important enough to their
      have received anywhere else. And, it did that all      future development possibly tell them privately.
      for pennies on the dollar.                             For me the good old sandwich method works
                                                             really well. I’m also aware that I’ve only got
      What do you look for when evaluating a                 around 3 minutes to create a truly delicious
      speech?                                                sandwich so I don’t want to waste any part of it

      I’ve always found that merely telling someone          telling them what method I’m going to use to
      where they can improve without demonstrating           evaluate them, or share my stories about how I

      how it would look or sound if they did it              relate to their content. I want those few minutes
      differently isn’t much help. With this in mind, I      to be packed with all the stuff that will make the
      look for places where I can take part of the speech    most impact for the speaker.
      and re-do it demonstrating the alternative that I          For my sandwich, I want two large hunks of

      believe could have enhanced the speech.                delicious ‘you-did-good-bread’ and just a small
                                                             amount of meat. I write down as many good
      How do you decide what elements to                     things as I possibly can and then split these good

      include in your evaluation?                            things into two. These will be my bread that

      It starts with a reminder to myself that people        sandwich the meat. I may have written down
      may not remember exactly what I say when               many bits of meat, but I’m careful to only choose
      I’m finished evaluating them, but they’ll always       two (maybe three) to use in my feedback. Very
      remember how I made them feel, so no matter            often I’ll choose ones that I think of as having a

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