Page 10 - 2018 January Voices
P. 10
New Beginnings
by John Rodke, DTM—Program Quality Director
Cheers to a new year filled with new We can feel successful, enthusiastic and proud
beginnings! of the systematic growth we have accomplished,
Kemy Joseph, a nationally known speaker the dynamic leaders we have fostered/become,
who has directly benefited from Toastmasters, and the stories we have helped create and share.
provides four questions to ask to create new I highly encourage you to attend Division
beginnings whenever you need them. Level Club Officer trainings. They are a key element
1. How can I grow? for creating thriving clubs.
Sign up today at: for our
2. What can I celebrate?
District 7 Spring Conference: Share Your Story.
3. What can I contribute? On May 4th and 5th, we have two dynamic
4. How do I want to feel? speakers to help you improve your storytelling.
Jim Kohli, Region 2 International Director,
In our District, we can grow by developing and Kelly Swanson, an impactful and hilarious
and serving our members, enjoy the process Motivational Speaker and Strategic Storyteller.
of embracing Pathways and its benefits, and by Early Bird Registration expires on January 31st!
having fun this year. We are rolling out incentives for this next six
We can celebrate our amazing guides, Club/ months. On top of the Pathways Triple A, Triple
Area/Division leaders, speakers, and members Crown, and Be Extraordinary pins, we have some
who are growing by leaps and bounds and fun ones coming your directon.
thriving through this time of dynamic change. I am awed by the amazing accomplishments
We can contribute by mentoring our “fresh” we have achieved this year! I am excited about
and “seasoned” members, Complete a DTM in the next six months and beyond with you, our
the traditional program. Learn and serve as a team of outstanding individuals.
District officer. Becoming a Pathways “Subject
Matter Expert.” Embrace the program and
provide feedback to Toastmasters International
on ways to improve the experience through
your Program Quality Director. Or respond to
the invitation to evaluate your Pathways exper-
ence. Visit your Education Transcript on Base
Camp, and select the Evaluate button next to
your completed project.
Whatever you do or dream you can do—begin it. Boldness
has genius and power and magic in it.
— Johann Wofgang von Goethe