Page 15 - 2018 January Voices
P. 15
by Harvey Schowe, DTM - District 7 Historian
Sherman Cox, charter member of Portland Club #31 and served as
Toastmasters club #31, was born July 4, 1894 in the club’s first secretary.
Cedar Rapids, Nebraska. His father Edward Cox He wrote a brief news article for the June 1935
was a barber. His mother was Mary Ellen. He Toastmasters Magazine about the upcoming June
had a brother and a sister. In 1910 the family 3, 1935 charter party. International Vice-President
moved to New Plymouth, Idaho. From 1917 to Raymond J. Huff was expected to present the
1918 he worked as a teamster for the International charter. Members from the Seattle, Tacoma, and
Boundary Commission. In 1920 he married Vera Olympia Toastmasters clubs planned to attend
Ione Asbury and moved to Beaverton, Oregon the party. The possibility of Oregon becoming
where he worked as a shaper for a chair company. a district was considered. Sherman remained a
He attended Linfield College in McMinnville, Toastmasters member until he died of a heart
Oregon. After college in 1924, he was employed attack on March 4, 1938. He was survived by his
as an assistant secretary for Benefit Savings and wife and daughter.
Loan which later became First Federal Savings
and Loan. Charles L. Stidd, a charter member
of Portland Toastmasters, was the secretary and
treasurer for First Federal Savings and Loan. He
began teaching appraisal classes for employees
in 1931.
Sherman was a talented singer and a
member of the Portland Light Opera along
with Charles Stidd, who was the manager of
the group. He sang in the production “Fortune
Teller” March 12-14, 1925. He participated in the
Portland Advertising Glee Club. He was the lead
singer for the Lions Club luncheons. According
to an Oregon newspaper article, he led singing
celebrating thrift week and the anniversary of
the founding of the Thrift Savings industry on
January 16, 1933. This celebration was held at
the Oregon Grill. During the celebration a short
program of addresses started the celebration
with dancing and entertainment. Members of
a Portland class in effective speaking gave the
speeches. Mrs. Nina Mauk of Benjamin Franklin
association presided as Toastmistress and Y. D.
McMullen, chapter president, introduced her.
Verna Crystal accompanied Sherman in leading
the singing. He was also a singer for Portland
radio stations.
During the fall of 1934, Sherman Cox became
a charter member of Portland Toastmasters