Page 18 - 2018 January Voices
P. 18
What Makes a Successful Club?
by Barbara Wade, ACB, ALB
What makes a successful club? Is it the a difference in keeping things running, in
number of Distinguished Club awards? No. That providing opportunities, in leading so others
would be a product of a successful club. Is it can too? Who in your club has helped provide
increased membership? Again, no. That, too, is the aura of warmth and encouragement that is
a product of a successful club. Then what makes so inviting to guests and members alike? Reach
a successful club? out to them and say “thank you for being you!”
My dear Toastmasters, it inspires me to hear Now, it’s your turn. If your club has not yet
Toastmasters from different clubs each proudly reached the point where you have established
proclaiming their club to be amazing. I must this type of leadership, then let it be you! What
confess, before I started going to District events, makes a successful club? It’s you!
I thought no club could be as amazing as mine,
Noon Talkers of southeast Portland. At these
District events, I heard others apply the same
labels as I thought were unique to my club. Warm,
friendly, encouraging! Is this then what makes a
club successful? I’ll peak you’re curiosity by once
again saying, no. A successful Toastmasters club
is by nature encouraging, friendly, and warm.
What then?! What makes a successful club?!
It’s the people, specifically the leaders. These
are the people who are committed to their club. Jacqueline Bakke obtains
It’s a family to them. They are always willing to her DTM! Her Triple
Crown was awarded
volunteer, to lead, to teach. They fill the void soon thereafter
when no one else can take on a role. They deftly
guide us toward success, gently pushing when L to R: Debi Hammond and Pamela
needed. These are the people who provide Musser assist with the Welcome
opportunities for each of us, saying “I need a Booth at our 2017 Open House
volunteer” then giving us that knowing eye.
Above all, they are our examples, sometimes
putting us to shame by how easy they make things We celebrated our
seem, though I know better. I know how much 20th Anniversary in
effort goes into running an event! Or, how much April 2016. We proudly
time goes into preparing so many speeches for display this framed
those Triple Crowns. Yet, when no one else steps certificate at every
up to take on these more time-consuming roles,
our leaders are there, showing us it can be done.
They keep the flow going so that when we are Noon Talkers meets at the Fred Meyer Corporate Office,
finally ready to step up to the plate, the plate is 3800 SE 22nd Ave, Portland, OR 97202-2918 every
still there. They make the club successful! Wednesday, Noon - 1pm. Arrive about 10 minutes
Think about your club. Do you believe early to sign in at the front desk. The club welcomes
it is successful? Who in your club has made all visitors.