Page 9 - aprl 2017 Voices
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coaching clients. I ended up giving a TEDx Talk Please give us a preview of what
a few years later, and since then have coached you will share at the District 7
loads of people to give TEDx talks.
I love coaching TEDx speakers because I’ve Spring Conference on May 5-6, 2017
formulated a very specific process to get someone With TED talks being as popular as they are,
to articulate a good idea in their life and to be
able to support it in a way that the audience can believe that people really want to learn how to
really bring it to life for themselves. The one incorporate the magic format of TED into their
thing that I‘ve learned about being a TEDx coach own presentations and speeches.
is that any idea can be interesting if you present
it in the right way. In the Friday night, pre-conference session,
The one gotcha that most people who want I‘m going to talk specifically on how to get a TED
to speak at TED don’t realize is that TED is not Talk and prepare a TED Talk. I‘m also going to
looking for speakers at all. Many people who try
to present an idea at TED say “hey I‘m a great share some ideas on how to prepare speeches
speaker”. They don’t care about speakers, they using a TED model to get it done faster and make
care about ideas only. They are looking for great it more powerful.
My greatest moment as a TEDx coach is when As the keynote on Saturday, I‘m gong to share
I coached 91-year-old, WWII veteran, Frank my TED Talk Essential Elements so that anyone
Moore. His life and his message needed to be can liven up or learn how to give better presenta-
told to the world. He talked about how life is as
perfect as you make it. It was a beautiful talk. tions and speeches with this format.
He got a double standing ovation, and was the
number 3 trending topic on Twitter the day he Register today for the District 7 Spring
gave his talk. It was an amazing transformational Conference Your Road to Extraordinary
experience for me to work with him and help
him craft his talk. today at