Page 14 - aprl 2017 Voices
P. 14

Succession Planning, or How to Get

                                the Horse to Drink

                                by Charley Patton, DTM - Region 2 Advisor

                                This time of year is  Leadership is Communication

                                difficult for our leaders.        “I just want to be a better speaker.” Granted
                                Not only are you trying       most people join Toastmasters to improve their
                                to achieve personal and       speaking skills. But have you considered how
                                organizational goals as the   often you get to speak when you’re in the leader-
       Toastmasters year winds to a close, you are also       ship ranks? I’ve filled numerous speech manuals
       trying to secure success for the upcoming year by      with speeches delivered across many districts, and
       identifying who will succeed you. Some people          each speech forced me to deliver with passion
       are eager to climb the Toastmasters leadership         and purpose. Consider this: You can communi-
       ladder, but others remain unconvinced that they        cate without leading, but you cannot lead with
       are ready. How can we encourage those who              communicating. Leadership is communication.
       don’t see their leadership potential, think that       Leadership is Learnable
       Toastmasters is only about public speaking, or
       that leaders are born, not made?                           “I don’t have what it takes to be a leader.” I
                                                              understand this sentiment because it took me a
       Leadership is Action                                   long time to own my leadership potential. My
          “Who, me? A leader?” Every year at work, I          reluctance came from feeling like I shouldn’t
       am approached by coworkers who express their           have the associated responsibility—I lacked
       discomfort addressing one of the characteristics       confidence. But over time, as I tried and failed
       included in our annual performance rating  and succeeded, leadership confidence came, just
       process: People Leadership. “I’m not in a  like speaking confidence came with practice.
       leadership position,” they say. They typically         We are not born great speakers or great leaders,
       suffer from the same misconception—that  but we get better with practice. Leadership is
       leadership is conferred only by appointment            learnable.
       to an organizational position of power. But just           Succession planning is inspirational
       because you aren’t “official” doesn’t mean you         leadership. Who will you inspire today?
       aren’t a leader.                                       Toastmasters. Where Leaders Are Made.
          Leadership means being out front, whether
       it’s physically ahead or ahead in thought or               Charley Patton joined Toastmasters in 2006. He served as
       action. Were you the first person to earn an           District 5 Governor in 2009-10 where he lead his District to
       education award in your club this year, the one        Distinguished District distinction. He has earned recognition
       who organized your club’s open house event, or         for Excellence in Education and Training, 2008-2009 and
       the first to reach out to a new member? Surprise!      Distinguished District Governor, Excellence in Leadership,
       You’re leading already. Leadership is action.
                                                              2009-2010. He is an Eagle Scout.

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