Page 12 - aprl 2017 Voices
P. 12
The Power of Gratitude!
by John Rodke, DTM—Club Growth Director (and Dragon in Spirit)
Gratitude is an
essential element A huge shout out to Area 74 Director Cindy
of our lives that Eastman for submitting all of her club visit
allows us to enjoy reports!
and appreciate this wonderful world we A helpful hint: Before you visit, send the club
experience. On Friday, our Toastmaster, officers the previous visit report and any others
Joseph Alfano, had us introduce ourselves by
expressing gratitude towards one of the other you have access to. This will show the progres-
members in the room. The heartfelt care, joy, sion of the club, and remove 90% of the research
and appreciation was powerful. The presenter time. Check the status of the club based on their
and recipient were deeply moved. I know this goals and how they have done historically. This
message and idea can continue to ripple outward helps the club know where they are in relation
to create more positivity, appreciation for life, to their Fall goals. This paperwork also helps the
and service to others. I encourage you to try District to help clubs. It is worth a few minutes
this during your next meeting’s introductions. to see where your club is, and what can be done
Here is a quick exercise for you to find and to help it thrive!
appreciate the good in your life. In the morning,
write down three things you are grateful for.
Simple, effective, and powerful. Here are three
of mine:
1. District 7 Toastmasters, thank you
for adding value to our clubs by leading, Documentation Changes People
volunteering, sharing, and supporting the
growth of our members.
2. Our Area and Division Directors, Club
Sponsors, Mentors, Coaches, and Officers. They
devote themselves to you, me, and the vision of
our organization.
3. My mentors, seeing potential, encouraging
it to shine, and challenging me to grow. Are you using your Division Speech
We have successfully made it through another Contest as a membership drive? This is an
dues cycle. A few clubs are finishing up getting
their payments in. You can DUE it! Thank you excellent opportunity to show prospective
for the efforts of Treasurers and Officers for members the communication and leader-
making this a success. ship benefits of Toastmasters. The more the
New clubs are chartering like crazy! If you merrier at the contests!
have the desire to start a new club please let me I am grateful for the growth of our
know! District in ability, members, and experi-
Club Coaches have been on a roll. If you ences. Thank you for adding value to my
are interested in stepping into this rewarding life and to the lives of our community.
role, please email Allison Bennett at: coaches@
12 VOLUME 3 ISSUE 10 APRIL, 2017