Page 37 - 2017.1 voices
P. 37

Down to the 0.9% - Monitoring
          The largest tradeoff with monitoring, from
      maneuvering, is a big jump in productivity. Focus           On the Road Again. . .
      moves from, “are you done yet” to “ is it going
      to be done on time, and what are the results                If you are in the Portland,
      going to be”.                                               Vancouver, Eugene or Medford
          Open discussion can be had about ways
      of doing the work—the how. While business                   area, be on the lookout for transit
      objectives are being met, considerations into               ads. Buses are already on the
      how the work is done are taken and changes                  roads displaying the ads on sides
      made. Changes that benefit the customers, but               and tails. If you spot an ad, snap a
      also that benefit the workers.
          More time is spent focused on business than             photo, safely of course, and email
      each other. That extra time can be spent looking            it to our Club Growth Director
      into ways of finding more time (which somehow               Cathy French at cgd@d7toast-
      ends up in more work . . .).                      
      Yet to come                                                 We will have two winners in

          The levels discussed here tend to be more               Medford, and one in Portland,
      about management than leadership. A distinction
      that is lost many times. But if considered                  Eugene and Vancouver. Our 5
      more frequently, could have big dividends to                winners will each receive a blue
      organizations.                                              Toastmasters umbrella. Keep your
          Next month’s article will cover Musing,                 eyes peeled. Bonus points if you
      Moseying, and Mentoring. Followed by discussion
      about the distinctions between management and               post it on Facebook.
      leadership, why leadership tends to fail in the
      corporate world, wrap up with how to perform
      a self-analysis, and make a conscious choice
      about the level that best fits the future of your

           . . . perform a self-analysis, and
           make a conscious choice . . .

          Joel Conarton, Area 65 Director, is owner of
       Catalystis LLC, where he coordinates consultants,
       coaches and service providers to provide greater
       results for all types of organizations.

           Congratulations to Be Extraordinary

           Pin recipients—Brinn Hemmingson,

           Scott Stevenson, Phyllis Harmon and

           Emilie Taylor

        VOLUME 3 ISSUE 7  JANUARY, 2017                                                                      37
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