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My Journey

                                           by Mujahid Ali

                                            Four or five      them to bring snacks, and the members for their
                                         years ago you        reason of absence, I especially had to manage
     wouldn’t have recognized me. I sat in the back           my time because there was quite a bit to do, such
     of the classroom and avoided talking to anyone.          as email the meeting minutes after our weekly
     I am taking this opportunity to communicate to           meeting, the recognition for the best evaluator
     the readers even the youth have a platform to            and the best table topics speaker as well as, at the
     learn and practice.                                      same time, other lessons like how to do things
         I was introduced to Toastmasters by one of           on the fly when I missed a deadline. I feel pride
      my dad’s friends, Coach Tahseen Mohammed.               in completing a year in this role as I learned
     My first day there as a guest, I was amazed to           from the members, officers and coaches of the
     see how kids my age were speaking in front of            club and improved from the person I was before
     crowds of 30 people. The meeting compelled               becoming a secretary.
     me to join the club if I wanted to get better at             I recognized that Toastmasters isn’t just for
     speaking and my parents knew it as well. As time         developing your speaking skills. There is a lot
     passed I could tell that my speaking skills were         more that comes with it, You enhance your
     getting better, I wasn’t as scared to go up and          leadership skills, learn how to manage yourself,
     present in class or ask questions. Not only my           and build a lot of self-esteem and confidence
     speaking skills were improving, along with that          with diligence. My goal for next year is to finish
     I was being less scared to speak and jumped in           my CC manual.
     to take chances, this helped me in making more               Future Stars Gavel Club, is a youth communication
     friends.                                                 and leadership club administered by Toastmasters
         After being a member for four years, it was          International, helping the young people of today
      the time for the club elections. A feeling to step      become the great leaders of tomorrow! The club is
      up and try something new, made me decide to             open to all middle school and high school aged kids. It
     run for an officer role. It came as a surprise, I got    gives them the opportunity to become better listeners,
     elected to the FUTURE STARS Club as secretary.           thinkers, speakers and leaders.
     Initially, I thought it would just glamorize my              The club meets weekly during the school year every
     college resume and I wouldn’t need to do much            Saturday from 10:30am-12:00pm at 4115 SW 160th
     as a secretary.                                          Avenue, Beaverton, Oregon 97007 in the first room
         I couldn’t have been more wrong. I felt like         in the portal. To learn more about Future Stars or
     this may have been the best choice I made.               to visit the club, pleas contact Coach Humaira at
     Becoming secretary taught me many useful skills. Visitors are encouraged
     For example, how to take good notes because              to visit the club and see for themselves why Future
     I had to take notes throughout the meetings. I           Stars should be part of their educational journey.
     also had to email the parents weekly, reminding

       “I’m a great believer that any tool that enhances communication

      has profound effects in terms of how people can learn from each

      other, and how they can achieve the kind of freedoms that they’re

      interested in.”–Bill Gates

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