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                                Boost Club Membership in 2017

                                Embrace the Online Option

                                by Phyllis A. Harmon, DTM - Public Relations Manager

          In August 2015, Toastmasters International              Let’s  look at Toastmasters  International’s
      threw open the membership door giving clubs the         requirements for adding remote members to
      ability to recruit members who might never cross        your club as well as some techie stuff to help you
      their threshholds by attending club meetings            get started:
      online.                                                 Protocol 2.3.A.II—Participants must be able
          The 2015 protocol change gave clubs a               to communicate with all other members in
      boost in member retention and recruitment               attendance at the in-person meeting.
      opportunities. Members, who leave because of            Protocol 2.3.A.III—Online participation in a
                                                              club meeting does not include voice only
                                                              teleconferencing, recorded video, or recorded
                                                              Protocol 2.3.C.—Each club determines the type
                                                              of online platform(s) to be used and must acquire
                                                              it at the club’s expense if there is a fee for use.
                                                              Protocol 2.3.D.—Each member participating
                                                              in online club meetings will provide their own
                                                              technology at their own expense if there is a
                                                              fee for use.
                                                                  For those of you who are giving me the
                                                              stink-eye after reading the above requirements
                                                              and takng a look at your club budgets, stop it!
                                                              Bringing remote members “into the room”
                                                              doesn’t have to be a tech-heavy, budget-busting
      relocations, changes in work schedules, or who          ordeal.
      can no longer make their way to the meetings,               Here are a few meeting location basic
      could now stay connected via the Internet. Niche        must-haves:
      clubs, like Feedbackers, Storymasters, and Thrill           • Internet connection
      of the Quill, could attract remote members by               • Laptop or tablet
      providing online options.                                   • Webcam
          The days of hearing “if only” comments can              • Exernal speakers/microphone
      be relegated to the annals of history. You know             • Skype, Google Hangouts, Facebook, etc.
      the conversation, “if only you met at a more                Hmmm, that’s not such a daunting list, is
      reasonable time/location/day of the week, I would       it? Connecting to the Internet is a must. If your
      love to join your club!” Now you can respond            meeting location doesn’t offer a connection,
      with, “Never fear! I have a solution that will work     perhaps one of your members has hotspot
      for you!”                                               capabilites on their smartphone.
          So the question is, What’s holding you back?            If your laptop or tablet is less that 5 years
      If your club is recruiting new members, or              old, it probably has a built-in webcam. You can
      looking for ways to keep the ones you’ve got,           strategically place it at eye level in the meetng
      then an online option should be part of your            room, where it spans the majority of the space,
      publc relations strategy.                               allowing everyone to be “in the online meeting
          As with any new strategy, you need to know          room.”
      the ground rules and develop a plan of action.              Built-in speakers on electronic devices are not

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