Page 39 - 2017.1 voices
P. 39

Happy Anniversary to

                                         January Clubs

                   The following clubs are celebrating their charter anniversary this month.
                   Congratulations to all!

                      Charter Date              Years                            Club

                         1/5/2004                 13          Bridge

                        1/29/2004                 13          Downtown Public Speakers
                         1/1/1949                 68          Evergreen

                         1/1/1995                 22          Motormouths

                         1/1/1963                 54          Myrtlewood Hootowlers
                        1/15/2003                 14          Pearl District

                        1/13/2016                 1           Portland Rotary

                         1/1/1977                 40          Professionally Speaking
                         1/4/2010                 7           Swan Island

                        1/20/2011                 6           Testmasters

                         1/1/2008                 9           The Standard Speakeasy
                         1/1/1995                 22          Toasting Excellence

                         1/1/1955                 62          Totem Pole

                         1/1/1946                 71          Vancouver

                         1/1/1981                 36          Wallmasters International

                  A special shout out to Evergreen, Myrtlewood

                  Hootowlers, Totem Pole, and Vancouver who

                  passed the half-century mark!

      VOLUME 3 ISSUE 7  JANUARY, 2017                                                                        39
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