Page 24 - April 2015 Voices!
P. 24
ris Pendleton—Continued from page 22) State of Oregon champions for 13 (going
on 14) years running and easily place top
State and National FBLA events. In a few awards at FBLA National conventions. Chris
years Chris went from no FBLA members expects his members to compete at the
and no budget to having 100 plus highest levels and they accept the
members and budget of over $250K a year. challenge because they love what they are
In addition to his other business classes, doing. When asked what makes him put in
Chris supervises and instructs four classes such effort, his answer is simple: When
in Business Leadership, bringing students come back and say “Thank you!
volunteers from other organizations, such You made a big difference in my life” I feel
as Kiwanis and Toastmasters, to help completely blessed. It makes it all
instruct and provide real life guidance for worthwhile.
his student members.
Daniel Flood joined Toastmasters in 2010. He is a
When you think of high school the idea of member of Jefferson State and University
“real life” or “business” skills often seem a Toastmasters clubs. He is serving as the VP of
little out of place. But that is exactly what Membership for Jefferson State and as the District 7
Chris’s students acquire. First is the ability Division A Marketing Specialist.
to speak in public. Each student must pass
three speech projects before they can To learn more about the Future Business
participate further. First is the 30 second Leaders of America please click on the logo
elevator speech. Next is a three to five below or contact Chris Pendleton at
minute prepared speech and then a ten
(10) word speech competition. The last is
the most challenging because it is judged
by the other members and requires that
the ten words be the best, most powerful
way to communicate the subject in the
shortest amount of time. If they do not
succeed, they must go to the end of the
line and start over, provided with a new
subject. As Toastmasters we know
speaking well puts you in front of those
who cannot and by default; good speakers
are cast as leaders. “Good speaking skills
opens doors for them.” says Chris. .
With the skills that FBLA members have
learned, HVHS FBLA members have been
on 14) years running and easily place top
State and National FBLA events. In a few awards at FBLA National conventions. Chris
years Chris went from no FBLA members expects his members to compete at the
and no budget to having 100 plus highest levels and they accept the
members and budget of over $250K a year. challenge because they love what they are
In addition to his other business classes, doing. When asked what makes him put in
Chris supervises and instructs four classes such effort, his answer is simple: When
in Business Leadership, bringing students come back and say “Thank you!
volunteers from other organizations, such You made a big difference in my life” I feel
as Kiwanis and Toastmasters, to help completely blessed. It makes it all
instruct and provide real life guidance for worthwhile.
his student members.
Daniel Flood joined Toastmasters in 2010. He is a
When you think of high school the idea of member of Jefferson State and University
“real life” or “business” skills often seem a Toastmasters clubs. He is serving as the VP of
little out of place. But that is exactly what Membership for Jefferson State and as the District 7
Chris’s students acquire. First is the ability Division A Marketing Specialist.
to speak in public. Each student must pass
three speech projects before they can To learn more about the Future Business
participate further. First is the 30 second Leaders of America please click on the logo
elevator speech. Next is a three to five below or contact Chris Pendleton at
minute prepared speech and then a ten
(10) word speech competition. The last is
the most challenging because it is judged
by the other members and requires that
the ten words be the best, most powerful
way to communicate the subject in the
shortest amount of time. If they do not
succeed, they must go to the end of the
line and start over, provided with a new
subject. As Toastmasters we know
speaking well puts you in front of those
who cannot and by default; good speakers
are cast as leaders. “Good speaking skills
opens doors for them.” says Chris. .
With the skills that FBLA members have
learned, HVHS FBLA members have been