Page 22 - voicesdec2014
P. 22
l for District Candidates—Continued from Page 21

Secretary—As the district secretary, you are responsible for maintaining the historical records of

the district, recording and distributing meeting minutes, and otherwise maintaining accurate, timely
records of district business. The district secretary may be elected or appointed at the will of the
district governor, subject to the approval of the district executive committee and confirmation by the

district council. You are eligible for re-election or re-appointment for one
succeeding term only. The office of secretary and treasurer may be

Treasurer—As the district treasurer, you are tasked with the fiscal

oversight and management of the district. The district treasurer works
closely with the district governor and lieutenant governors to ensure that
the district is making cost-effective decisions—within policy—that result in
effective fiscal management. The district treasurer should have knowledge
of accounting and be acquainted with the handling of financial matters. The
district treasurer may be elected or appointed at the will of the district
governor, subject to the approval of the district executive committee and confirmation by the district
council. You are eligible for re-election or re-appointment for one succeeding term only. The office of
secretary and treasurer may be combined.

Sergeant at Arms—The sergeant at arms selects meeting locations and organizes the room,

ensuring the atmosphere is conducive to successful events, such as business meetings, speech
contests, and training. The sergeant at arms sets up necessary equipment, assists district leaders with
meeting arrangements, distributes program materials, keeps track of district property, and addresses
disruptions during events. A track record of organization and diplomacy are a must for this role.

Parliamentarian—The parliamentarian assists the district governor with planning and conducting

district meetings. Responsibilities of the parliamentarian include interpreting Toastmasters bylaws
and policies, reviewing district operating procedures as requested by the district governor, and
ensuring all meetings follow proper protocol. The parliamentarian is an invaluable resource for the
district governor, offering help, guidance, and support during meetings and answering any questions
the district governor has related to rules and procedures. Members who assume this role must have a
thorough understanding of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.

Scott Stevenson, DTM joined Toastmasters in 1997, and is a member of Marylhurst Toastmasters, Civil
Tongues, and Mentors of Focus. He has served in numerous roles as a club officer, club coach, new club
mentor, and past District Governor. He is currently serving as the District 7 Nominating Chair.

Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a
college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and your verb
agree to serve...You don't have to know the secod theory of thermodynamics in
physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.
(Martin Luther King, Jr.)

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