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e’s to You. . . someone raises a glass and
offers good wishes or
By Marvin Mitchell, ACS congratulations to companions.
"Here's to us that are here, to you that are there, and Make sure, if possible, that
the rest of us everywhere," is a famous toast by everyone’s glass is filled before toasting. Although
Rudyard Kipling. Toasting to the essential we generally drink wine or champagne for the
elements of life—love and friendship, health and toast, it is perfectly acceptable with a non-
happiness—has existed since people began
gathering in groups. alcoholic beverage. Never refuse to
participate in a toast.
A toast is a short speech given in honor of
someone. Simple words, sincerely The host usually offers the first toast. A
spoken, are best. After the toast, guest can propose the first toast at
everyone raises their glass to informal gatherings to thank the host for
drink to the person being bringing everyone together. The toaster
honored. often stands and everyone else remains seated
unless the toaster asks everyone to "stand
The ancient Greeks discovered and raise your glasses to. . .”
poisoned wine was efficient in
eliminating enemies. To assure When you are are honored with a toast,
guests the punch was not sit and smile appreciatively. Don’t stand.
spiked, the host poured Don’t drink to yourself. Acknowledge the
wine from a common toast with a "thank you." You may then stand
pitcher then drank first to and raise your own glass to propose a toast to
demonstrate the purity of the host or anyone else you wish to honor.
the wine. The Romans
adapted this custom by A toast appropriate to the person and occasion is
dipping burnt bread in the a gift. Three sentences are enough to make it
wine to reduce acidity. The English added a step meaningful and memorable. I endured one
by putting a piece of toasted bread in the bottom wedding toast that lasted longer than the
of the glass. They drank until they got to the toast. marriage. A toast should not become a roast.
Perhaps that’s why it’s called toasting? Humor appropriate to the person being honored
is welcome. End on a positive note. Lead the
Why clink glasses? Perhaps it’s left over from the group to a gracious conclusion by clinking your
Greeks. When clinking glasses, you could slosh the glass or saying “please join me in toasting. . .”
poison someone put into your wine back into
theirs. A better theory is wine or champagne “Here’s to you. May you discover grace and
appeals to the senses of sight, touch, taste and pleasure in toasting as well as in being a
smell. Clinking adds sound, making it a total Toastmaster.”
sensual experience.
Marvin Mitchell joined Toastmasters in 2003. He is a member
Toasts are not just for weddings or other formal of Wallmasters International and Feedbackers. He is the
functions. Toasting is a graceful custom and can Executive Director of the Julia West House, Portland, Oregon
enhance any gathering. A host who offers a toast and owner of Beachwalker Press.
to begin a meal radiates hospitality. Spontaneous
toasts break out whenever appropriate, as when
offers good wishes or
By Marvin Mitchell, ACS congratulations to companions.
"Here's to us that are here, to you that are there, and Make sure, if possible, that
the rest of us everywhere," is a famous toast by everyone’s glass is filled before toasting. Although
Rudyard Kipling. Toasting to the essential we generally drink wine or champagne for the
elements of life—love and friendship, health and toast, it is perfectly acceptable with a non-
happiness—has existed since people began
gathering in groups. alcoholic beverage. Never refuse to
participate in a toast.
A toast is a short speech given in honor of
someone. Simple words, sincerely The host usually offers the first toast. A
spoken, are best. After the toast, guest can propose the first toast at
everyone raises their glass to informal gatherings to thank the host for
drink to the person being bringing everyone together. The toaster
honored. often stands and everyone else remains seated
unless the toaster asks everyone to "stand
The ancient Greeks discovered and raise your glasses to. . .”
poisoned wine was efficient in
eliminating enemies. To assure When you are are honored with a toast,
guests the punch was not sit and smile appreciatively. Don’t stand.
spiked, the host poured Don’t drink to yourself. Acknowledge the
wine from a common toast with a "thank you." You may then stand
pitcher then drank first to and raise your own glass to propose a toast to
demonstrate the purity of the host or anyone else you wish to honor.
the wine. The Romans
adapted this custom by A toast appropriate to the person and occasion is
dipping burnt bread in the a gift. Three sentences are enough to make it
wine to reduce acidity. The English added a step meaningful and memorable. I endured one
by putting a piece of toasted bread in the bottom wedding toast that lasted longer than the
of the glass. They drank until they got to the toast. marriage. A toast should not become a roast.
Perhaps that’s why it’s called toasting? Humor appropriate to the person being honored
is welcome. End on a positive note. Lead the
Why clink glasses? Perhaps it’s left over from the group to a gracious conclusion by clinking your
Greeks. When clinking glasses, you could slosh the glass or saying “please join me in toasting. . .”
poison someone put into your wine back into
theirs. A better theory is wine or champagne “Here’s to you. May you discover grace and
appeals to the senses of sight, touch, taste and pleasure in toasting as well as in being a
smell. Clinking adds sound, making it a total Toastmaster.”
sensual experience.
Marvin Mitchell joined Toastmasters in 2003. He is a member
Toasts are not just for weddings or other formal of Wallmasters International and Feedbackers. He is the
functions. Toasting is a graceful custom and can Executive Director of the Julia West House, Portland, Oregon
enhance any gathering. A host who offers a toast and owner of Beachwalker Press.
to begin a meal radiates hospitality. Spontaneous
toasts break out whenever appropriate, as when