Page 13 - voices-2023-04
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Coach Wooden's Keys to Success

 Lorri Andersen, DTM - District 7 Director

     believed it was sometimes necessary to sacrifice        your club, give a speech, or

     personal glory for the team." [1]                       finish a membership campaign
         How does this apply to Toastmasters? Our            by a certain date. Sometimes just knowing that you
     clubs are our teams and when individuals come           have to do something can feel strenuous. If you
     together in unity to achieve a result, trust can be     can take each person's small achievement as an

     built. Learning to trust and become trustworthy is      accomplishment, share this enthusiasm with your
     invaluable to learn.                                    team, and allow yourself to be happy, the work that
         Cooperation:  Sharing is key to success. Coach      needs to be done will feel lighter and not as difficult
     Wooden had an interesting explanation on this key       to carry or accomplish.

     foundation. "No person is an island. Working with           As I mentioned, there are three more layers and
     others from a place of generosity—sharing wisdom,       the top pinnacles of success techniques layered over
     sharing ideas, sharing inspiration."  One of the        the foundation. I encourage you to research the
     wonderful things I experience in Toastmasters is the    rest for yourself. When you are done, you will see

     generosity of sharing time and help. Every leader       how these blocks contribute toward the success of
     I have talked with has said the very same thing,        yourself personally and to the success of your team.
     "please let me know if I can help." I appreciated that      As you can see, we can use Coach John Wooden's
     so much! The only way I can repay that generosity       success factors as we learn and grow in Toastmasters.

     is to in turn do the same. Giving allows those things   I continue to learn and refine these key ingredients
     that a person is working toward to come faster. Learn   every day. It is the combination and the working
     to work from a place of generosity.                     of them that will make us successful. I encourage
         Enthusiasm: "Success requires commitment over       you to take the time to study them and teach them

     long periods of time, commitment with enthusiasm and    to others. These key ingredients have been shared
     an eagerness and passion towards pursuing your goals."   with me by my mentors. Of course, we aren’t going
     [1]   This key building block is what is needed when    to learn them all at once, but we can certainly strive
     hard work becomes really hard work. It's hard to        to do better today than we did yesterday. Let’s work

     stay enthusiastic when the project or work takes a      on these principles as we journey together.
     long time or is strenuous. Strenuous work isn't always
     physical. It can be mental as well. Perhaps you have          [1] ( 2022,Goalcast )
     promised you will work on a PR promotion for

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