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                                      DISTRICT 7 TOASTMASTERS
                         ADVANCED & SPECIALTY CLUBS

                  Club Name                                                         Meetings (all times are   Advanced
                 Club Website                           Club Focus                    Pacific Time Zone)      Club
      Babble-On Toastmasters Club      Babble-On Toastmasters was formed specifically to   Sundays 3:45pm hybrid   No             be a comfortable and welcoming environment for   online and at The Q Center,
                                       members of the LGBTQ community  to gain leadership  Portland.
                                       and communications skills.

      Coachmasters                     We have a high percentage of coaches in the group,   Mondays at Noon, online.  No   but you definitely don't have to be a coach to join us.
      Feedbackers Toastmasters Club    "We understand that learning how to evaluate   Meets online 2nd        No
      http://feedbackers.toastmastersclubs.  a person's performance requires practice. In   Wednesdays 7:15pm.
      org/                             Feedbackers, you are part of an evaluation team. Each
                                       speaker receives 4 evaluations. Speakers can ask for
                                       specific areas they would like evaluated: Vocal Variety,
                                       Gestures, Emotional Impact, and Project Evaluation
                                       just to name a few. Our members practice giving
                                       effective evaluations that are actionable, specific, and
                                       useful. Each of the 4 evaluators receive feedback from
                                       the General Evaluator so they too can improve."

      Find Your Voice                  Find Your Voice is a unique club in that we specialize in  Mondays at Noon, online.  No   practicing extemporaneous speaking skills.  We dedicate
                                       the 2nd Monday of the month to a special format in which
                                       we extend our table topics out to increase our practice
                                       of off-the-cuff speaking and spontaneous speech.
      Friday Night FUN Masters         "Do you wish you were funnier? Friday Night FUN  First and Third Fridays each   No
      fridaynightfunmasters.toastmastersclubs. Masters is a specialty club for Toastmasters who want  month 6:30pm.
      org/                             to incorporate humor into their presentations."

      Liberty Talkers                  Liberty Talkers was formed specifically to be a  Thursdays 5:30pm online.  No      comfortable and welcoming environment for
                                       participants to practice and develop their conservative
                                       political statements.
      Notary Masters                   Notary Masters is dedicated to individuals who are  First and Third Thursdays   No            Notaries Public from anywhere in the United States.  9:30am.

      Portland Progressives            Portland Progressives was formed specifically to  Thursdays 6:30pm     No
      http://www.progressivestoastmasters.  be a comfortable and welcoming environment for
      org/                             participants to practice and develop their progressive
                                       political statements.
      PR Masters                       "An online-only club focused on Public Relations!   First Thursday every month   Yes       This club is for you if:You want to help promote your   7pm online only.
                                       club and grow its membership; You are interested in
                                       sharing, improving, and encouraging PR skills.
                                       You can attend online monthly.
                                       You have previous Toastmasters experience (dual
                                       membership required)."
      Speakers with Spirit             Speakers with Spirit was formed specifically to be a  Thursdays 6:45pm  No
      https://speakerswithspirit.      comfortable and welcoming environment for members           of the Christian religious community  to gain leadership
                                       and communications skills.

      Storymasters                     Storymasters is focussed on perfecting storytelling.  Thursdays 7pm.   No

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