Page 12 - voices-2023-02
P. 12
Jim Robison, DTM - Program Quality Director
Have you been a Toastmaster for some time? Have to build debate skills, then check out Virtual
you thought about how to provide some extra Virtuosos. Take a look at the advanced and
challenge to your Toastmasters experience? You specialty clubs in District 7 and see if any catch
might consider joining an advanced or specialty your interest.
Toastmasters Club. With the transition of so many clubs meeting
What is an Advanced Toastmasters Club? It is online, or in hybrid form, it is possible to
a Club where all members are required to already bring together members from all around the
be members of another Toastmasters Club before world. There are now clubs in District 7 who
joining. The purpose of an Advanced Toastmasters have memberships that span the globe. A club
club is to help members focus on particular in southern Oregon (Roseburg Speakers and
skills or to bring together a group dedicated to a Storytellers) has members in six countries! This
common thread of interests in Toastmasters. has opened up the opportunity to have specialty
There are four Advanced Toastmasters Clubs clubs that bring together people with a common
in District 7 and others working to charter. Those interest who otherwise would not have enough
prospective clubs may be great opportunities for people in one area to support a club.
you to participate and help build a new experience. In addition to the prospective clubs listed in the
While most advanced clubs are also specialty table on the next two pages, I have heard there is
clubs, a specialty Toastmasters Club may or interest in organizing a bi-lingual English/Spanish
may not also be an advanced Toastmasters Club. club. Several years ago, Los Bilingues Toastmasters
Specialty clubs are created with a particular was part of District 7.
focus or group in mind. Some clubs were formed If you have an idea for a new Advanced
to help an identified group of people feel more or Specialty club that you believe could draw
comfortable practicing their speeches while other members contact the District Club Growth
clubs focus on a particular skill to develop. For Director, about pursuing
example, if you want to improve your evaluation it.
skills, Feedbackers is the place to go. If you want