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P. 11
Servant Leadership
Lorri Andersen, DTM - District 7 Director
in club officer training that if you are a friendly Empathy: The servant-leader strives to
person and you like people, you will make a great understand and empathize with others. People
VP Membership. Of course, those personality need to be accepted and recognized for their
traits go a long way and help with much else, special and unique spirits.” [2]
including Servant Leadership. As a club officer This does sound like Toastmasters! We can
you can learn many Servant Leadership traits, learn these skills naturally just by attending our
such as empathy, in addition to listening skills own club meetings.
and commiting to the growth of people. Our International President, Matt Kinsey,
I appreciated what Larry Spears, author DTM, is a great example of a Servant Leader.
of Practicing Servant-Leadership: Succeeding I have seen and heard him display these
Through Trust, Bravery, and Forgiveness had to characteristics when he was speaking and
say about listening and empathy: “Leaders leading. He talked about leading from the heart
have traditionally been valued for their and living it.
communication and decision-making skills. When a Toastmaster listens intently and puts
Although these are also important skills for the needs of others first, they are displaying and
the servant-leader, they need to be reinforced living Servant Leadership. What are your ideas
by a deep commitment to listening intently to about servant leadership? Please send me a note
others. The servant-leader seeks to identify the and share your thoughts. I am glad we are on
will of a group and helps to clarify that will. He this journey together.
or she listens receptively to what is being said
[1] (Clayton, M., 2016, April 16 ,“Robert Geenleaf:Servant
and unsaid. Listening also encompasses hearing Leadership”,,Feb 16,2022,
one’s own inner voice. Listening, coupled with
periods of reflection, is essential to the growth [2] (Spears, Larry. "Practicing Servant-Leadership: Succeeding
Through Trust, Bravery, and Forgiveness”, San Francisco, CA.,
and well-being of the servant-leader., 2004 )