Page 36 - voices-2023-01
P. 36
From Impossible to Possible
David Freedman, PM2
I’ve stated on previous occasions that I hate degrees or learning the plethora of job skills
creating New Year’s resolutions, and this that came afterwards in my chosen fields of
still holds true. Either the resolutions are medical and general transcription, I knew I
redundant, or they end up being a waste of wasn’t following a true path for myself. It was
time. One example would be the resolution only recently that I came up with an idea to
to get more exercise. I live across the street motivate me to continue writing while looking
from my gym and go there five days a week, for work. I call it “defining the impossible goal.”
and although I need to work more on creating The idea behind this was to take a step back
a healthier diet for myself, my resolution to and look at what was making me nervous about
improve my health and well-being is already moving forward in my chosen professions in
taken care of, thank you very much. the first place, then redefine what I needed to
Still, if those resolutions help you set goals do to accomplish those goals.
for yourself, it’s not necessarily a bad way to In this case, my goal is to make a set
start the New Year. One of those resolutions amount of money that, at least for the time
has been to create my own career as a writer, being, might seem impossible now but could
and in order for me to succeed, I had to define become a reality later as I work at my craft.
what goals to set in order to do just that. The main purpose of this strategy was to
Throughout the past couple of years, I’ve encourage myself to continue working on
realized that a lot of the limitations I’ve placed various writing projects—monetizing my blog
on myself in a number of areas need no longer as well as writing short stories, novels, essays,
apply. Those include the idea that I need to see and screenplays. And above all, if I didn’t
writing as an avocation. I have a confession accomplish my goal, I’d at least make money
to make, however: Up until recently, I had a for myself. And if I did achieve the impossible
very strong love/hate relationship with money. goal, then it wasn’t so impossible to begin with.
Despite the fact that I wanted nothing more In Toastmasters, the very first obstacle that
than to be a working writer and performer, I people face is getting up in front of strangers
couldn’t make myself believe that I was worth and learning to speak articulately. For them,
the money I wanted to earn. I’d convinced this is their impossible goal: Speak now or
myself that “following the rules,” such as going forever hold your peace. And many people
to college and looking for a regular job, would do choose to remain silent for many reasons.
be the best way to support myself financially. They’ve been taught they must be quiet or that
While I will never regret obtaining two college their voice is not worth hearing. They’ve been