Page 29 - voices-2023-01
P. 29


    and overwhelmed by the speaker—but it was                 Yet I have heard many hopeful competitors

    not Billy Graham! I was so disappointed and               for speech contests receive meaningful and
    miffed that I “wasted” my time listening to him           insightful evaluations whereby they could walk
    as he was billed as one of the great orators of           out the door (or sign off online) with one or two
    the century. He was awful (I thought) with his            somethings to help them speak on a level of

    plain speech, simple word pictures, and just              greatness and consequential presenting.
    dreadful pausing and flow to his message. The                Yes, my fellow Toastmasters, we are indeed
    other fellow, using the deep dulcet tones of the          a privileged few who are doing something to
    English language, meaningful and well thought             improve ourselves, whether professionally or

    out message, and of course what I perceived               personally, to be better speakers, better leaders,
    as a life changing call to action, was almost             and better evaluators. It is (and has been)
    without words to describe it. Now, I look back            indeed a worthwhile endeavor, a “pathway,”
    and realize that the criteria I used to evaluate          pun intended, for us to travel on. Toastmasters

    the two speeches were flawed. I am still working          has helped me grow in so many ways. It has
    on my skill as an evaluator. I feel I still have          allowed me to experiment with different styles
    much to learn about the art of evaluation. But            of speaking and bring forth a message, to read
    I have attended both online and face-to-face              an audience, to know with whom and how to

    clubs where the evaluations have been mediocre            communicate. You, too, can do the same. You
    at best. One time I heard an evaluator bring a            can begin to hone the triple skills of speaking,
    speaker to tears by a barrage of negative and             leading, and evaluation in a friendly, safe
    hurtful comments, not even once mentioning                environment like your Toastmasters club. You

    anything positive or providing their thoughts             can even stick your toes in the pool of speech
    on how to improve for the speaker. That is                contests and get wet a little by competing in your
    not an evaluation, but character assassination            club contest. And then maybe you, yes YOU,
    and has no place in a Toastmaster meeting.                can enjoy the full experience of Toastmasters.

                                                                                 VOICES! | JANUARY 2023         29
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