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       mastered the art of speechcraft.                       cannot stamp out a leader with a cookie cutter

           You have heard, I am assured, of the adage         and make them all the same. Some of our
       of “lead, follow, or get out of the way” art of        members are natural leaders with an innate
       leadership. We must not forget that Toastmasters       sense of direction, others will need training
       is a three-fold program, a triangle if you will, of    to find their skills hidden away within—like

       speaking, evaluating, and leadership. Like the         the sculptor who said he looked for the statue
       fire triangle that I learned as a junior fireman       within the block of marble to emerge through
       almost fifty years ago, if you remove one of           his use of the hammer and chisel. A leader needs
       these sides, a fire does not exist and will go out.    compassion, tempered with direction. Dignity

       Leadership, then, as our old motto said “Where         with a touch of humor and selflessness.
       Leaders are Made” has been an integral part                I honestly think the makers of “Star Wars”
       of the Toastmaster experience. Not only have           got it all wrong. Instead of movie after movie
       I grown as a leader in our program, but have           softening Darth Vader, they should have

       watched, tutored, mentored, and coached others         enrolled him in Toastmasters. At least he might
       in that skill as well. I am thinking of a current      have learned to temper his comments and not
       club president who when she joined years ago           use such a heavy hand for every situation!
       would never have believed she would become                 Toastmasters—what a wonderful life!

       an officer, little alone a president of two clubs!         Evaluation is one of our primary skills, but
       Yes, there was handholding, guiding, coercion,         so many of our clubs and members spend little
       as well as bribery methods used to help this           time honing that craft. In another lifetime, I
       natural leader emerge. I hope and trust that           went to a conference with two main speakers—

       she has found it as rewarding as I have to see         one a Brit (okay, I admit I must fly the Union
       her blossom, grow, and become an asset to all          Jack sometimes) and another that you might
       she has led and contributed to.                        have heard about—a fellow by the name of
           Leadership is unique to the individual; you        Billy Graham. I readily admit that I was awed

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