Page 12 - voices-2022-12
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Coach Leaders Change the World
Lorri Andersen, DTM - District 7 Director
We are on the verge of 2023! Father Time and brings unity to situations.
is growing a bit greyer, and the New Year is The world came out with a vaccine for
dawning in the distance! Covid but what is the vaccine for disruptive
Friends, this has been an amazing year and changing times? We need to stay
full of events and changes. Who has not connected even when much of our team is
been affected by the developments of the last virtual. How do we not just survive but prosper
two years? Our Toastmasters community is in these unprecedented times? We have been
stepping out with many clubs meeting on stretched and challenged, and we will never
hybrid formats. This is great as it helps us be the same. We see that traditional models of
stay connected to one another, in person and leadership do not work. As a leader, we need
virtually. This change poses the challenge to be the bridge between past and future and
to modify your leadership styles as we forge pave the way for our Clubs to grow. Coach
forward into 2023. Leaders are flexible and embrace change,
We need to become more of a Coach Leader solve problems, create the future, and lead
as we work with our different teams. Coach with servant leadership. Let’s not be shocked
Leaders are connected and work with others when faced with struggles. Let’s use the good
while being on different platforms. Can we times to prepare for difficulties and use the
keep our members connected online while hard times to fortify our skills. There are many
part of us meet in person? Can the Club stay qualities that never go out of style and always
close as a team while many meet on the wide seem to work during times of disruption. At a
screen inside a conference room filled with minimum, a Coach Leader brings kindness,
people? Can we thrive as an online Club? Can selflessness, respect, self-control, and looks for
we go back to in-person only meetings? I say the best in people. [1]
yes, it’s possible to do all those things. Coach This is how I see each of us in our District,
Leaders can do much to help members as they a steadfast positive Leader that does not give
work towards their goals. up. Is not Toastmasters the place where leaders
A Coach Leader helps others with change are made?