Page 16 - voices-2022-12
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Club Coach Program - The Gift that Keeps On Giving
Dave Bones, DTM - Club Growth Director
During this holiday season, you might be the leadership blew up leaving the Club without
thinking about sharing gifts. Perhaps you have a president or rudder. What did I get myself into?
been in Toastmasters for some time, and want to Well, let me tell you. I got myself into maybe the
deepen your connection with other members, most rewarding experience of my almost 20-year
as well as contribute further in our community. Toastmasters journey. After collaborating further
You might be wondering what you could offer with the core members remaining, I discovered
as a gift to this organization that means so that all they needed was a consultant to help them
much to you? understand where they might improve.
There is one top answer—become a Club They were all great members, but I noticed
Coach. It is truly a gift that will keep on giving some key issues. They were not bringing in guests,
for years to come. This year's Club Coach having contests, or holding open houses. Also, they
Coordinator is Patrick Tuohy, DTM. He shares were flying a bit by the seat of their pants with
some of his story and you can get started as a meeting organization. The great part was they
Club Coach. listened and things began to change.
We updated their Club homepage, and guests
Patrick's story started coming. We had a few contests and an
I decided to become a Club coach when I was open house. We also reviewed their Distinguished
looking for ways to satisfy the requirements for Club Program (DCP) goals. By the end of my
my Distinguished Toastmaster Award. I figured appointment, they had made it to Distinguished
I had been a Toastmaster for a while and could Club status, and had more than doubled the size
help a Club that might be struggling. I was paired of the Club!
with a Club close to my work. I had visited about The real payoff for me was seeing the
a year before when they had a large membership. excitement and pride the members had when they
At our first meeting I realized the Club had converted a guest into a new member. They saw
recently lost its meeting location, and along with their efforts had a positive effect on their Club’s
that, quite a few of its members. Remaining was performance.
a strong core of about 5 members. Oh, and a bit Do you like the satisfaction of helping others
of internal unrest. As a matter of fact, within a learn, grow, and succeed? Maybe you are
week after I started attending their meetings, looking for a way to learn, and grow yourself? Or