Page 9 - voices-2022-12
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each of the Pathways Proponents gained from and Communication. Together, we will plan fun
this year-long experience. These were critical and educational activities that bring us together
skills to have in uncertain times. as one Division. It will be our combined effort
I have enjoyed the privilege of working in that pushes us to 'Dream Big and Achieve
several other District leadership roles. I have Together!'
served as an Area Director and Toastmasters There are guest presentations at our
Leadership Institute (TLI) Elective Curriculum monthly meetings to provide information
Coordinator, 2021. I served as the Annual in the areas of education, leadership, and
Conference Trio-pardy Game Show communication. These presentations are aimed
Coordinator, 2021. I was elated to be named at living up to the created vision for service to
the D7 Toastmaster Rookie of the Year, 2021. the Division F Membership.
Currently, I am serving as the D7 Division
F Director and in D1, I serve as President of
Platform Speakers. I have a wonderful team
of five Area Directors (Arne Bostrom, AD 71,
Lakeitha Ruffin AD 72, Emily Cargill AD 73,
Gwen and her 93-year old mother, Fay Avington Lisa Busenbark, AD 74, and Jenna Owen AD
75). The team of District leaders amazes me
with their willingness to share their time and
talents to help with the success of members
and Clubs in Division F.
As Division F Director, what is your vision
for the Division this year?
Division F Leadership Picnic 8/6/2022
The Division F Team and I worked to create
the mission and vision that we recite at monthly
meetings and follow as we carry out our work What are your personal plans and goals
in the Division. Our theme is to ‘Rise Toward for next year?
Excellence’ using the Toastmasters’ core values My personal plans and goals are to
(Integrity, Respect, Service, and Excellence) grow my business. I am passionate about
as a guide throughout the year. Our Mission teaching, coaching, and training individuals
Statement is ‘To develop processes that allow and organizations in the art of effective
us to work together to achieve Distinguished communication. My Toastmasters plans and
status and support personal growth.' goals are to leverage the skills learned over
Our Vision Statement is 'As a Division, my Toastmasters journey to continue in a
we will establish goals, create strategies, and leadership role this next year. I believe we
empower each other in Education, Leadership, have an opportunity to reimagine how to grow