Page 16 - October 2022
P. 16


          helping new members get a jump start, is to have        individuals year after year. The Club should have
          a complete set of the Pathways Level 1 Projects         the ability for new members to take on leadership
          along with the Pathways Navigator ready to give         roles with the support and mentorship of members

          them as soon as they join.                              who previously filled those roles. Recognizing that
                                                                  not all members can attend all meetings, a Club of
      3.  Fellowship, Variety, and Communication -                20 members should ensure that enough members

          Many Toastmasters members will tell you that            are attending each week to have a full agenda with
          their Toastmasters Club is like family. We build a      multiple speakers. Sufficient members to have
          community of people who are working to improve          full and dynamic meetings makes the experience
          their communications and leadership skills, and         attractive to guests considering membership.
          who are excited to help others do the same. The

          Toastmasters program by its very nature creates         6.  Achievement Recognition - How would you
          a community of individuals who are helping each            feel if you complete a major milestone in
          other with direct feedback and mutual support.             your educational development, and no one

          Club social events and fun activities help to bind         notices? Giving members proper recognition
          the group together and help all members enjoy              for their achievements can help encourage
          the process of learning,                                   those members to continue and can help
                                                                     motivate other members to achieve their goals.
      4.  Program Planning and Meeting Organization                  If no members are ever recognized for their

          - The Toastmasters Educational Program                     achievements, the feeling might grow that no
          provides a curriculum for members to follow.               one is accomplishing anything by being in the
          The Toastmasters meeting format provides a                 Club.

          structure to help members get the most out
          of the Educational Program. Meetings that are           If your Club has not already completed the
          disorganized, unplanned, and haphazard detract      Moments of Truth Module this year, I encourage you
          from the Educational Program. Members who can       to take the lead and conduct it. You can have some
          rely on organized Club meetings can plan out their   flexibility with your Club, and determine whether

          schedule for completing projects in the Educational   you want to complete it in one meeting or multiple
          Program, enabling them to meet their educational    meetings, but it is a great opportunity to review the
          goals, which then encourages them to remain as      state of your Club. You can celebrate those areas

          members to continue their skill development.        where your Club excels and develop a plan for how to
                                                              improve those areas where improvement is needed.
      5.  Membership Strength - Toastmasters
          International long ago determined that 20               If needed your Club's Area Director can be called
          members was an appropriate target for Clubs to      on to help conduct the Moments of Truth.

          maintain. One reason for 20 is that this is a large
          enough membership that would allow a Club to
          fill leadership roles without having to rely on a few

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