Page 7 - july 2022
P. 7

COVER STORY                                                                               COVER STORY

                     MEET THE D7 2022-23 TRIO

                     Phyllis Harmon, DTM, PDG

 Lorri Andersen, DTM
 District 7 Director

                          In the following pages, you will learn more about the top three

                          leaders of District 7. Each was asked generic and specific questions
                          about their vision for the coming year.

                          Lorri Andersen, DTM - District 7 Director

                          Please tell us about Lorri
                              At one of my previous companies, I told a friend I wanted

                          to do more in my job and have more responsibilities. She
                          paused, looked at me, and said “Lorri, you need to join
                          Toastmasters.” I answered, “that is exactly what I do not need

                          to do!” I knew what I needed and Toastmasters, in my mind
                          was not it. I thought about it for a while and concluded she
                          was right. Looking back, I was the only person in the 5th
                          grade who called in sick the day I was to present my oral
                          book report. I decided it was time to face the fear of public

                              I visited a meeting at an open Intel club that was near
                          my company. When I walked into the room, the lights were

                          on, and people were smiling and laughing. It was a good
                          sign. They talked about giving speeches. I let them know I
                          hadn’t given a speech. I was told not to worry; they would
                          show me how.
                              That’s how my journey began. I joined in the year 2000
 Dave  Bones, DTM  Jim Robison, DTM  although due to family, work changes, and schedules, it was 2008
 Club Growth Director
 Program Quality Director  before I jumped in with both feet. This time I had a new job with

 6  Loretta in ceremonial dress and shawl                                             VOICES! | JULY 2022        7
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