Page 10 - july 2022
P. 10
speech which I then see them incorporate in With our Education Chair Ayu Anantya
their next speech. Some speakers, including and Learning Labs Coordinator Matthew
2012 World Champion of Public Speaking Douglass we can expect to have some great
Ryan Avery who was a member of Portland learning sessions that will focus on the needs DAve bones, DTM - club growth director
Toastmasters, are extremely good at taking of particular Clubs. The goal is to bring
advice and using it to greatly improve together Clubs that have similar issues that Why did you join Toastmasters?
their speech. There were often times when they are working on, and help those Clubs In 2010, I joined Toastmasters. Originally,
Avery would practice a speech, he would get work together in finding solutions. These it was to improve my skills giving a particular
feedback, and in his very next speech he sessions can also form the basis for developing business presentation. Interestingly, I had
incorporated the feedback. This flexibility new content on the District website. heard about the organization months
to accept and incorporate feedback is one of earlier. However, seeing how little the cost
the most critical elements to being a great What incentives and recognition are you planning was compared to other training programs I What is your vision for the District as the Club
speaker. for the year? had investigated, I thought there were more Growth Director during 2022-2023?
I try to be careful not to just reward the hidden fees. I called TI, and still was not The values that I would love to see develop
What is your vision for the District as the Program Clubs that are already successful. Instead, I convinced that this really was the whole cost. this year are meaningful contribution,
Quality Director during 2022-2023? want the District incentives to encourage and I am so glad that I gave it a chance, and have thinking “outside the box,” support for teams
I want to see District 7 become a resource support struggling Clubs to do those things not looked back since! and members, as well as our common bond in
that others will look to for leadership. When that will help them build and succeed. We growth as fellow Toastmasters while having
I look for answers to a certain situation, or will want to encourage Clubs to do the things What has been your greatest Aha! Moment in fun in the process.
try to find resources to help with a project, I that they should be doing, like officer training your Toastmasters journey so far? Why?: The developing vision at this point is one
am tired of having to find those answers and and a Club success plan, but we also want to I would say that there are two learning where teams are formed based on passionate
resources on other Districts' websites. I want encourage them to make real improvements. milestones that stand out. One, is the ability members for a given purpose, and excitement
to help ensure that we have those answers I am hoping to launch a Club website contest to offer speeches on more potentially abstract working together.
and resources on our District website. The this year, to encourage and support Clubs philosophical concepts without losing my Regarding building new clubs, we really
Pathways Learning Center that Dave Bones in having a strong online presence to bring audience. Prior to this, I really struggled to want to expand this opportunity to all
created is a great example, and a model for in guests and support members. We might connect. Toastmasters. This includes extending the
what we could have on our District website. also do a "secret shopper" type of campaign However, when I learned to take the invitation to contribute to Area and Division
We could have other learning centers like to have someone anonymously contact Clubs context of my audience seriously this helped Directors, as well as any member that is
that for open houses and special events, to test how quickly they respond to guest dramatically. The second milestone is in passionate about expanding our valuable
corporate Club support, prison Club support, inquiries. For some fun, we will probably identifying my top value within Toastmasters, Toastmasters community.
contests, etc. Our members and Club officers have a scavenger hunt or bingo card type of which is community. I continue to do my best We are forming teams and leadership
should see the District as the go to resource event. The idea behind it will be to encourage to develop my understanding of this, now in for Club Extension, Club Coach support,
for answers, and those answers should be members to engage with other Clubs and to my role as D7 Club Growth Director. Chartering, Corporate clubs, and Demo
readily available. participate in District events. teams. I have some amazing volunteers so far.