Page 34 - july 2022
P. 34
When Destiny Comes Calling
David Freedman, PM2
I came up with what may seem like a silly even if you don’t want it to. meant to be.
phrase to some of you to describe something There were always reminders and hints that I believe that
that happens to me quite often: Destiny will I should be writing. They were in the dreams I all of us have our
eventually kick you in the butt. Yes, I know it had at night that revealed themselves as stories own purpose in is a long-held
sounds crude, but hear me out. There’s a reason only partly written but endlessly engaging this life. We might dream you’ve
for it. to my fertile imagination. My dreams are in not always know had for your entire life. Then the Evaluator picks
I knew I wanted to be a writer since I was four technicolor and almost always have elements what it is, and up on it and mentions it during his portion of
years old. If it’s considered fortunate to know of science fiction and fantasy in them. It could many people the meeting. It’s one thing to have the dream
one’s calling at such a young age, then yes, I was be a newspaper article with a simple phrase go their whole lives to yourself but another to have someone
fortunate, though I might not have realized this that stayed in my mind until I wrote it down. not figuring out what repeat it back to you in a way that’s hopefully
at the time. Throughout my life, I often dealt with And certainly it could be somebody asking if makes them tick. Sometimes it might be a talent nonthreatening and perhaps even supportive.
bullying, misunderstandings, condescension, and I want to take a screenwriting class or take a that seems so simple to use that it’s overlooked What do you do then?
general rudeness as people often underestimated gander at writing a magazine column. I might by the person in question because it’s a little That’s why I say that destiny will eventually
me because of my facial paralysis and its not always walk through those doors as they’re too obvious. Other people may have had the kick you in the butt. More often than not, you
accompanying speech impediment. Thus, even offered, but I’m getting better at recognizing the experience where their talents weren’t always won’t be prepared for it, and it will most likely be
though I knew I had strong gifts as a writer and opportunities that present themselves to me. appreciated or even had their gifts silenced a firm reminder of who you could be if you only
was even accepted into the talented and gifted So yes, destiny kicks me in the pants quite because they apparently threatened those gave yourself the opportunity to explore that
program because I was at least a year ahead of often and sometimes even rather hard. Of course, who were jealous or scared of them. But then aspect of your life. In your speeches, remember
my classmates in language development, my there are occasionally times that I get right back something happens to jumpstart those interests that it’s okay to dream big and explore what you
self-confidence was poor to almost nonexistent. up from that reminder and ignore the not-so- or remind you that there’s something that’s being might have left behind, consciously or otherwise.
My writing record became haphazard at best subtle hint. But on the whole, I can’t really do neglected. It’s up to you to decide how to respond Conquering the fear of public speaking can
with me not completing a lot of projects unless that for long. Case in point: Bookstores are my to those feelings. mean opening yourself up to those aspects of
it was for school or related projects. Ironically, I place of power. Even if I’m at my most exhausted, One of the things that’s important to yourself you’d long thought were lost, which in
still held onto the dream of becoming a famous I can walk into a bookstore, stand around the remember about public speaking is that it allows turn might be your own signal that it’s time to
science fiction author by the age of twenty-eight. bookshelves, and seep up the energy from those you to give voice to your passions. In some ways, make a change with your life, perhaps even for
I couldn’t really focus on the actions of writing stories. If that sounds a little hokey or pseudo- that might be one of the reasons it’s so terrifying the better.
for fear of having people think my voice was mystical, so be it. At least I know where to regain for people. Imagine being on stage giving your
irrelevant. my strength when I’m otherwise stressed out, and first Icebreaker speech, and one of the things you
But life has a way of keeping you on track it always reminds me of who I am and what I’m mention, perhaps not even consciously at first,