Page 37 - july 2022
P. 37
Serial Killer 202
Be Ruthless!
Ken Coomes, DTM
Don’t stop writing (or speaking) just because with your point. Readers have the
summer is here. To help you with Table luxury of reading over something
Topics, short speeches, and serial fiction, let’s more than once. Listeners don’t have
look at a few more tips. that same opportunity. Sometimes in
Use active voice. The words is, are, was, a speech a repetitive point, or pattern,
and, were raise red flags, signifying passive supports your message.
voice. In one of my speeches for example, I I know last month I said I would
started with “My desktop gaming computer give you three more tips, then move
was given to me by my youngest son.” I on to serial fiction platforms. But I
changed that sentence to “My youngest son don’t want to cut short valuable advice
gave me my desktop gaming computer.” on improving the quality of your
Moving to active voice brought the expression writing, or speaking, just to move the timing for a 5-7 minute speech down to as long to read aloud as the time you expect
more life. on to platforms. And, there are more good about six minutes works well. Then if I pause your readers to give you.
Keep your paragraphs short. During suggestions to share. So you get a bonus. More longer than expected, to allow for laughter Time for another challenge. Share with
my second draft of a story I broke one long tips this month, and a focus on platforms or for the audience to reflect on what I’m me, or someone in your club, your own
paragraph into three short ones. In a speech, starting next month. sharing, I can still wrap it up before the red experience in redrafting a speech or a piece
the shorter paragraphs make it easier for your Edit ruthlessly. I think you’ll be surprised light comes on. of writing, after you read it aloud and edited
audience to follow your train of thought. The at how effective reading your writing, or Reading a serial piece aloud after the first ruthlessly. . . To share with me, send a note
same holds true for serial fiction. And in both your speech draft, aloud will help. I’ve found draft helps, too. You won’t have the luxury of a to (
cases you keep your listener or your reader cumbersome phrasing, long sentences, timer, and signals at green, yellow and red. If Enough tips for now. We’ve gone from
more engaged. redundancies that crept in, and even “fluff it takes you ten minutes to read through your outlining and keeping your story progressing
My next suggestion applies more to words” I wrote while I was “in the flow.” first draft, reading material you’re familiar all the way through ruthless editing. Next
serial fiction than speeches, and requires Reading aloud is a useful tool when editing. with, consider how long it might take your month we’ll start exploring some of the serial
thoughtful application. Sometimes repetition After I’ve drafted a speech, reading aloud average reader to get through it. If you’re fiction platforms. Whether you share with me
is a good thing, but normally it’s best to avoid helps me plan the timing. My first draft is shooting for a piece that can be read in ten or not, Just Write!
redundancy. When writing, serial fiction or usually longer than the time allotted for the minutes, and it takes you more than that,
even longer pieces, repetition might feel like speech. Ruthless editing helps me bring the there is more editing to be done. I suggest
you are “beating your reader over the head” timing under control. I’ve found that getting your finished product take you about 75-80%