Page 31 - july 2022
P. 31

GLEANINGS FROM THE GROVE                                                                    FIELD NOTES

 take back.  Leadership Institute? Be a wordsmith and write a

 But hold on! That voice begins to speak again  monthly column or trumpet the success of your
 and state powerfully, “Ready New Player” as you—  club in Voices? (I can see Phyllis Harmon nodding   DATE  TIME  OFFICE ROLE
 yes, you—enter the great “game” of Toastmasters.  her head in agreement to that suggestion!)
 This is the month of July, the beginning of the   The vast smorgasbord of Toastmasters   8/5/2022   6:30 PM - 7:30 PM  Club Treasurer

 new Program Year of 2022-2023. You have  activities, education programs, and leadership   8/8/2022   7:00 PM - 8:00 PM  Club Secretary
 before you a wide range of educational choices  training made available to us all is well within
 as well as choices to serve your club each week  your grasp—and for the most part, is “free” for   8/10/2022   7:30 PM - 8:30 PM  Club VP Membership
 or for the year. Do not forget that a well-rounded  the taking!

 club program should emphasize the three parts   I also offer yet another suggestion if you want   8/12/2022   7:00 PM - 8:00 PM  Club VP Education
 of a meeting and reflect the educational goals  to be serious about your Toastmasters experience
 of Toastmasters—speaking or speechcraft,  during 2022-2023. That would be to look at some   8/15/2022   7:00 PM - 8:00 PM  Club VP Education
 leadership, and evaluation.   of our District’s specialty clubs that may appeal to   8/22/2022   7:00 PM - 8:00 PM  Club President

 These are skills taught not only online but by  you or you feel you could gain additional help. I
 practice and refinement at each club meeting.  joined an evaluation club several years to help me   8/27/2022   10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Club President
 And I did not even mention Speech Contests on  provide better “feedback” as well as do a better
 Club, Area, Division, and District levels where  job evaluating a speech, to make my comments   8/29/2022    6:00 PM - 7:00 PM  Club VP Public Relations

 you can hone your skill and be further evaluated  worth while, and meaningful to speakers. As I
 in your art of speaking.   just love to tell stories, I added that specialty style
 The world is your oyster. You are the “pearl”  of club as well. Take a look at the Toastmasters   •  Training must  be completed by August 31 to count towards
 being formed—bright, shiny, and of value by all  International “Find A Club” application online   Distingusihed Club Credit

 that you participate in. May I share one more  to “see” what may appeal to you, or ask around
 secret with you? It is most often fun, rewarding,  your club, or chat with an area director, etc. It   •  Four officers must be trained in their respective roles to obtain
 and life changing as well.  will astound you what is actually “out there” with   DCP credit for this training period
 What then, fellow Toastmaster—whether  Toastmasters formally or on You Tube.

 you be an experienced speaker or a new novice   Finally, fellow Toastmasters, enjoy the   •  If you hold the same officer role in more than one Club, you can
 member—will be you goal for the new year? Is  fellowship, the desire by every Toastmaster to   get credit for each Club
 this the year you want to compete in the speech  help another, whether experienced or neophyte
 or evaluation contests? Do you want to complete a  in the program, and the professional level of   •  If you hold more than one officer role, you must attend training

 path of your choosing? Have a leadership position  material and training available at your fingertips.   for each role to count towards the Distinguished Club goal of
 in mind? Or perhaps you will want to complete  It is understood that indeed, “Your Adventure
 a Distinguished Toastmaster Award, serve as a  Begins Now!” “Ready Player One.”  four officers trained this training period
 club coach to a club needing that extra guidance

 and wisdom? Be a new club sponsor, or serve as   Click here to go to the Event Calendar to register
 a club mentor for that new club? Have the time
 to serve on the training team, sharing your   to attend one or more of these  sessions
 field of expertise at the biannual Toastmasters

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