Page 37 - voices-2022-06
P. 37
distinguished club.”
Three cheers for
‘every member deserves
a distinguished
Toastmasters club.’ the main room. Unfortunately, they regrouped
As reflected in other comments we received, and dispersed to several of the breakout rooms.
her message that “every member deserves to be A handful of rooms were disrupted by their
in a Distinguished Club” resonated. rudeness, but only for a short while. They were
We incorporated a new feature at this event, eventually locked out.
the “Mentimeter” ( which The TLI team talked tactics after the Friday
allowed us to capture real time feedback from session and formed a “Zoom Bomb Squad” with
our guests and created a word cloud with their superpowers to see through walls and readied
responses. Thoughtful, Inspiring, Grace, and themselves for another onslaught in the Saturday
Distinguished stood out as a common theme. morning sessions. Perhaps the wretches learned
Thank you, Sondra! their lessons or perhaps they caught wind of the
counter offensive and turned tail! Whatever the
ZOOM BOMB SQUAD—Our event was case, they never showed their faces again.
not without a few misadventures! We were What did we learn from this? We instituted a
afflicted by a hornet’s nest of Zoom bombers challenge in the waiting rooms for the various
in the plenary session on Friday night. Our sessions—change your name to include your
guests were left aghast for a few moments, as Club. We may also get more creative next time
these unwelcome visitors made mischief and and include a challenge question only those who
disrupted the decorum of the evening. We officially registered can answer. We will watch
quickly identified them and booted them out of and we will wait and see!
VOICES! | JUNE 2022 37