Page 32 - voices-2022-06
P. 32
Put Your Promotion into Motion
Jennifer Schmidt, EH2
“Songs of Summer” was my chosen theme as them was FUN. Now that I have all these images
Toastmaster for a New Horizons meeting. To get pre-made, it will be even easier to create new
people excited about summer by encouraging posts in the future and do it faster.
them to share their favorite songs was the goal.
Promotion was key, and I’ve learned to not be shy Lots of Engagement and Laughter
when it comes to getting the word out. One-way communication is created by
Some might even say “Jennifer you did too simply telling members that a meeting is coming
much advertising.” My response, “Is it really up. For this meeting, I generated two-way
possible to over promote music and sunshine?” communication. I asked questions in our
In PR Masters, we frequently discuss different Facebook group to encourage conversation. “Guess
promotion techniques. Now that I have the chance my favorite summer tune!” “Give me a hint - What is
to reflect on my “Songs of Summer” campaign, your favorite tune?” The resulting engagement was
it’s a good time to evaluate how the strategies I a flurry of chats with gifs flying back and forth
used worked. adding another level of reaction!
Anticipation was further developed with the
Good Preparation Makes Less Perspiration tease of a mystery speaker. A photo of a knight in
By promoting in May for our June 4th meeting, armor was the hint. Other unusual images such as
I gave myself time to create several promotional Yoda, a dancing video, and a close up of an excited
images in Canva©. This user-friendly design
program has ready-made templates where I
can essentially click and drag. Once I finished a
promotion, I copied it and inserted new photos. A
unique but unified look was created by keeping the
formatting of the meeting information the same.
In total, I created five formal Facebook
meeting posts. Along the way, I also created two
posts for filling meeting roles, four “teaser” posts
to announce who signed up for roles, and one
reminder to bring sunglasses to the meeting.
A total of twelve posts, which sounds like a lot,
but was spread over two weeks. Besides, creating