Page 38 - Voices-2022-04
P. 38


                         Hybrid Meetings?

                                  Jennifer Schmidt, EH2

      Before March of 2020, I drove each Saturday  have changed. New Horizons’
      from Vancouver, Washington, an hour south  solution is to roll out a new hybrid
      (sometimes before sunrise) to attend the 8:00  meeting which involves teamwork,

      am New Horizons Toastmasters meeting in  patience, and technology to include
      Tualatin, Oregon. The in-person experience was  everyone. Here are some factors
      a lot of fun and a great way to start the weekend.  to consider if you want to embrace
      This motivated my commitment to a weekly  a new hybrid trial for your Club

      commute.                                               meetings:
         When the pandemic forced the closure of
      our meeting space, we had to decide if we would  Teamwork - Hybrid meetings take a lot of
      stop meeting altogether or try online meetings.  teamwork and communication to be successful.

      Honestly, I had my doubts about online meetings,  Essentially your Club is merging two formats
      but with practice and patience we learned the  into one meeting with a lot of moving parts. This
      new format and we perfected a new, fun meeting  requires a dedicated team. Club officers must be
      of quality.                                            committed and decide how and when to launch

         Now two years later, we are comfortable being  the first meeting (which is usually the hardest
      online and have welcomed many from around  one.) Communication must be clear, consistent,
      the world. Visitors who won’t ever be able to “stop  and constant so all the members understand the
      by’’ in Tualatin can Zoom in each week. As things  goal of transitioning to the new meeting style.

      are returning to “normal” we are changing once  Then you’ll need a team that is comfortable
      again to a hybrid model, an in-person and online  with technology and willing to share both their
      combination meeting.                                   expertise and equipment during the meeting.
         A lot of clubs are considering this hybrid

      option. Going back to strictly in-person meetings  Patience - Hybrid meetings aren’t built in a
      cuts off our new friends and members who joined        day,  just like online meetings weren’t in the Spring
      when online was the only option. In contrast,  of 2020. Some people will want the progress to
      those who want to meet in person really want  be faster than is possible. To create balance, the

      to meet in person again. Their vision is to grab  hybrid format must work for everyone as equally
      a cup of coffee and chat after our meetings as  as possible, so the experience isn’t diminished
      they did in the past.                                  for any member regardless of how they’re
         How can we effectively do both? Our members         attending. The in-person group will have an

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