Page 36 - Voices-2022-04
P. 36


      Becoming a Serial Killer 102

      Ken Coomes, DTM

       I know you, and I know               way of expressing the idea of

       how you think—you’re a               having a clear Opening, Body,
       Toastmaster. That means              and Conclusion. But I think
       you’re on a journey to               you get the idea.
       improve yourself, and you               Keep your story (or

       recognize the need to prepare.  speech) progressing. Let the
       So, let’s start our preparation,     story build, whether it’s a
       for writing serial fiction, AND      speech (we’re all storytellers,
       for our next speech! Here are        are we not?) or a piece of

       some tips to consider while          serial fiction. This is another
       you travel on this road to           idea, just like the outline or
       self-improvement, as a serial        organization, that applies to
       writer and as a speaker.             all your writing, not just serial    what you’ve discovered, the

          These tips are taken              work.                                Reader’s Digest version. For
       from the BookBaby blog,                 Don’t info dump. Sure, you  you youngsters, in ages past
       as well as “Smart tips for           did some killer research for         people often read paper copies
       writing brilliantly” by copy         your speech. By now you’ve           of newspapers, magazines,

       blogger Dean Rieck, several          become an expert Googler.            and books. Reader’s Digest
       author courses I’ve studied          For that typical 5–7 minute          was (still is) a small-format
       on InfoStack, and my own             speech you’ve compiled 5-7           magazine (in print) that
       personal experience.                 full pages of information. The  condensed the contents of

          Outline your overarching          speech inspired you to share         books, stories, and news items.
       plot. I’m sure you recognize         with a different audience, so        This was one way for busy
       this from Toastmasters               you’ve decided to offer those        people to “keep up” with their
       material, probably some              same seven single-spaced             reading. Maybe you can relate

       evaluations you’ve heard (or         typed pages of information to        to the idea of condensing
       delivered), as “The OBC’s of         your serial audience.                data if I refer to Cliff’s Notes
       Public Speaking.” Truth be              Don’t.                                (however, I must admit,
       told, I’ve never heard that             Give them the gist of                 I don’t know if they still

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