Page 10 - Voices-2022-04
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enthusiasm for the project, thus assuring a more Leadership lessons and theories are
successful outcome. everywhere. We can read them, we can
Good leaders are adroit at moving among the memorize them, and we can practice them. But
various leadership styles as needed. Think about here is one lesson I learned that the theorists
these last two years as leaders in Toastmasters, have not shared:
in business, at church or synagogue, even your Every theory is a noisy, clanging gong if a
Homeowners’ Association. We have had to pivot leader doesn’t know these four A’s of leadership
and repivot and twist ourselves into Gordian • When things go sideways, and they WILL
knots to make our club meetings, worship – Adapt
services, and family gatherings all work. And • When plans change, and they MUST
we have largely been successful. – Adjust
However, we are not done, fellow Toastmasters. • When you make a mistake, and that is
I believe that the future of Toastmasters and inevitable – Acknowledge it!
other organizations is forever changed by this • When all is accomplished – Apologize
globally unifying experience. We have witnessed sincerely and openly for the mistakes you
a seismic shift in the delivery of our ‘product.’ made and the ones you don’t know that
We have learned new skills in technology and you made. For the slights and the offenses
marketing. We have adapted to a flat-panel that you were not even aware of!
meeting space, just to name a few. Finally, friends, be humble. Ed Buzard was
Yet we press on. Everyone is struggling with committed to these Four A’s of leadership. He
membership and with participation. I believe embodied them in every interaction with every
we are stronger because of this trial we have Toastmaster he met. . . I can only hope I have
been through together; more resilient, and more and will continue to honor Ed’s example of
determined than ever to lift individuals who humility and service. Respectfully submitted,
understand the value of hopeful communication your humble servant, Dorothy.
and optimistic leadership.
Leadership is about empathy. It is about
having the ability to relate to and connect
with people for the purpose of inspiring and
empowering their lives. —Oprah Winfrey