Page 35 - march
P. 35

Boldly Going Where Toastmasters Have Never Gone Before!

 Jennifer Schmidt, EH2

      I remember wavering between hesitation and              Contests—Want ideas for your next speech?
      curiosity until I actually tried CANVA and              Contests are a great way to see what speech

      discovered I liked it, I mean REALLY liked it!          topics people are choosing and how they’re
          I also met lots of interesting people from          presenting them. The District calendar lists all
      different parts of the globe, who, without Zoom,        the Area, Division, and District contests. All of
      I wouldn’t have met. I’m not flying to England,         these contests are scheduled on different days and

      Australia or even Disney World anytime soon.            times giving you lots of chances to watch them
      Hearing the different perspectives and the fun          at your convenience. Watching how contestants
      stories was and is still  extremely cool.               evaluate after observing a model speaker can
          Since it’s renewal time, you may be thinking        also be helpful information when you give your

      about the benefits of Toastmasters. District 7 also     next club evaluation.
      has many virtual opportunities which can boldly
      lead you to new learning while also having fun. I       Education Opportunities—Want to know how to
      encourage you to consider the following events:         use programs like Canva™ or other technical

                                                              subjects? Check out educational programs
      Conferences—Toastmasters Leadership Institute           including the District 7 Learning Lab or Tech
      (TLI) gives new officers training for their roles.      Tuesday. There are also special club events that
      Often overlooked, these conferences offer               focus on specific topics such as interviewing and

      everyone the opportunity to learn more about            debating skills.
      topics related to leadership and public speaking.           As you send in your renewal, consider all the
      Past topics included: “How to RECEIVE Feedback          golden opportunities you can grasp from the
      Well!” presented by Kaushik Balasubramanian;            comfort of your home. This really is the Star

      “Have You Considered Networking?” with                  Trek age as we explore new topics, seek out new
      Cleon Cox III; and the team presentation “How           Toastmasters, and boldly go where we’ve never
      Toastmasters INSPIRES” by Joe Harper and Bill           gone before!

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