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the garters with the green flashes. However, the strengthened the ideals, aims and authenticity
weekly recitation of the Scout Oath and Law and of the Scouting program and its impact on self Let That Brain Blossom
their significance (required to say from memory and society.
and explain their meaning for Second Class Scout Today, I am still “bound” by the code of B. Lee Coyne, ATMS
rank) was what took hold in my daily life. I was honor and that which the Scouting program
reminded by the knot on the scroll badge to not taught me. Many of those values are considered
only Be Prepared but to Do a Good Turn Daily. It passe as well as not even acceptable in today’s
was a code of life for those who took it seriously. society. Scouting has changed drastically since
We would close each weekly troop meeting with 1965 with boys and girls being Scouts, the digital
the Scout Vespers song with our fake campfire age, and the loss of so many of the outdoorsman,
(wood, tinfoil and red-painted light bulbs) in the agricultural, and farming merit badges being
center of the auditorium floor singing “Softly replaced by business and computer skills. I
falls the light of day as our campfire fades away. wanted my Totin’ Chip card which allowed me
Silently, each Scout should ask, have I done my to carry a pocketknife at age 12. Today we would
daily task? Have I kept my honor bright? Can I think that was unconscionable, and God forbid,
guiltlessly sleep tonight? Have I done and have to use an axe! But that was the program I grew
I dared, everything to Be Prepared?” As hokey up with and how it has influenced my life.
as it sounds in today’s society, then we were in Of course, the other volunteer program that
a war overseas, knowing that as we sang that has impacted my life has been Toastmasters.
song, some young man in the military may have Next month I will explore that influence as part
given his life that day for our freedom. It was of my Gleanings. But in the meantime, just think
beholding to us to prepare ourselves and keep of me wearing my green, not the standard Irish
ourselves alert and attentive to our surroundings, paddy hat, vest, and curled shoes, but my 1960’s
the expectations requisite to being a Scout, and to green Boy Scout uniform. Rain or shine, spring,
keep our heads high and proud of our association summer or fall, and know that I still can sleep the
with the Scouting program. There were many sleep of one who has done their best, have done
other rituals and thought-provoking times in and dared, to be prepared in the 21st century.
my Scout career; becoming
an Eagle Scout, being elected
to the Order of the Arrow,
the Scout Honor Camping
Society, our other awards,
and achievements which
for me included the Gold
Quill Award for Journalism
that I have written about
before. Each level, each rank,
each leadership position,