Page 35 - january 2022
P. 35

Toastmasters - 2022 A Brand New Year of Possibilities

 Jennifer Schmidt, EH2

     Enter the Contest Arena – Contestant, Judge             don’t have a particular member to cheer on, you
     or Cheerleader                                          can learn a lot! Descriptions, phrasing, timing,
         Thousands of Toastmasters enter contests            gestures, and lots of laughing are excellent ways

     around the world. Everyone has a different              to learn from seeing how others choose to deliver
     reason to compete. For me, I like to challenge          their topics. This is just the inspiration you can
     myself, and it’s tough on me but in a good way.         use when presenting your next speech.
     Most writers, like myself, typically write all              A new year always gives us a chance to try

     alone in a room, safe, secure, and no initial           new things that we didn’t do the previous year.
     judgment. Pronouncing those same words out              Whether it be as a Toastmaster, Officer, or
     loud with actual judging is completely different.       Contestant, there are many ways to welcome
     My stories, like yours, are being shared from my        ideas, leadership, and challenges. Embrace

     heart, mind and soul that directly connects me          practice, say “yes,” and your confidence as a
     with the audience, “Scary!” I encourage everyone        speaker and leader within Toastmasters
     to try competing once to challenge yourself in          and beyond the lectern will soar.
     this way.                                               Happy New Year!

         If you’re not ready for an on-stage experience,
     that’s okay, your time will come and there’s
     always a backstage or enthusiastic audience
     member option. All contests need judges and

     ballot counters. Attending as an audience
     member is fun, because even if you

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