Page 33 - january 2022
P. 33

Resolutions to Write in ‘22

 Ken Coomes, DTM

             your next speech? Written a first draft of             you. Published? Realize that, whether they
             that speech?                                           tell you or not, someone most likely drew
                                                                    inspiration from your words.
          2.  If you tend to view the glass as half
                                                                    So you’ve made a resolution or three,
             full, you are probably already positive
                                                             and you succeeded in reaching your goal.
             and hopeful about this new year and
                                                             Congratulate yourself. Studies have continued
             what it will bring.. If you’re somewhat
                                                             to demonstrate the value of positive self-talk. Or
             pessimistic, be grateful there is a glass to
                                                             you’ve failed. Remind yourself that, instead of
             be half-empty. And that it isn’t empty yet.
                                                             failing, you haven’t succeeded yet.
             Maybe 2022 will be the year of the glass.
                                                                    Here’s a new writing challenge (you don’t
          3.  Each of us is unique, and that includes
                                                             have to resolve to do this, of course): Write about
             YOU. You have something valuable to
                                                             a character struggling to keep a resolution. Or
             share. Give a speech about something
                                                             one celebrating the successful accomplishment
             in your life, who you are, or what you’re
                                                             of a goal. I’d love to see what you write. Feel free
             doing. Or write about something unique
                                                             to drop me a sample at lupusgnome@hotmail.
             about you, your life, or your resolutions.
             Consider sharing your unique-ness in
                                                                 Happy New Writing!
          4.  You’ve most likely been told how a speech
             you gave inspired someone, especially

             if you are a veteran Toastmaster. Keep
             in mind, many people don’t share how
             you’ve inspired them. That single avid
             response to something you said may

             just be the “tip of the iceberg.” Or maybe
             a fan had an inspirational response to
             something you wrote. I’ve been inspired
             by many of the articles I’ve read in Voices!

             And when I reached out to let the authors
             know, they’ve always been appreciative.
             Inspired? Tell the person who inspired

                                                                                 VOICES! | JANUARY 2022         33
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