Page 40 - Voices-2021-12
P. 40
Pathways Progress Reports
David Shehorn, PM3
Club members and Base Camp Managers may need to verify, review and track Pathways project progress.
Progress Reports can be a tool for each to track project and level completions during a period of activity.
Club members and Base Camp Managers may The first step is to gather the Pathways data
need to verify, review and track Pathways project provided in Base Camp Manager Dashboard.
progress. Progress Reports can be a tool for each After clicking on Member Progress icon (Figure
to track project and level completions during 1), the Dashboard is revealed with the default
a period of activity. The Base Camp Manager Individual Progress (Figure 2-1).
Dashboard does not provide a simple tool for On the far right side of the page is a refresh
accessing that information by the member. option for all levels (Figure 2-2). Clicking refresh
However, with a little analytics1 time, the Base will update all of the Levels, 1 through 5. This
Camp Manager (BCM) can readily provide that refresh may take a noticeable amount of time
information. Usually the VP-Education would be – the refresh process is shown at the bottom of
the designated officer to provide that information. each level, along with the previous last refresh
However, it may also be another member of the date (Figure 2-3). A fifteen minutes refresh time
Education Committee or Education Team. For is not unusual.
instance the VP-Pathways*2, may have the skills After the refresh finishes, the Excel
to provide that information. spreadsheets are available to be downloaded,
Each individual club member could benefit one for each level. Each Level pulldown menu
from having access to a simplified report of provides an Export to Excel option (Figure 2-4).
completion progress. Quarterly Progress Reports Selecting this for each Level will quickly export
could provide that information. After the end a download file. Each Level needs to be exported.
of each Toastmasters quarter-year (September, The BCM can combine the spreadsheets data
December, March, June) the BCM could export into one file with a straightforward technique
the information from the BCM Dashboard with cut and paste of the overall member data
creating a personalized report for each club from each Level file, pasting each into the new,
member. Pathways provides access to a summary empty file.
report for each level of project progress. Each of the original files will remain in