Page 37 - Voices-2021-12
P. 37

As a former military officer, founding member           mistake. Instead, he understood the group’s vibe
      Marv Serhan led by example. He had high                 and was cheered with that good humor.

      expectations for himself, possessed a sense of              Leaders commit and guide—like shepherds.
      humor, and quickly gained the respect of Club           Stepping up to a Club officer role is essential for
      members. As he mentored and encouraged new              new members when they are ready for the step.
      members, they internalized the high standards           Mark said it is vital for the club to give people

      and success expectations. But, most importantly,        a leadership opportunity and support. He was
      they expected to be successful and they have            personally concerned about the timing and
      fun as a group.                                         readiness for an officer role. However, senior
          They work well together because a sense of          Club members encouraged and assured him,

      humor is part of the skill set.                         saying, “We won’t let you fail.” Mark knew
          Quickly, the club culture developed through         everyone wanted him to be successful. They kept
      Marv and other officers. New members                    their word and were consistent, mentoring him
      immediately knew Professionally Speaking                through the experience.

      stood for excellence, high performance, and                 The club recently received an email from
      achievement—while maintaining a sense of                a Toastmaster from another state, offering to
      humor. Mark explained, “We work hard, and               speak at their Club. Professionally Speaking
      we like to have a good time. So, we see our             Club members discussed the offer and declined.

      meetings as an opportunity to have fun. First           Instead, they decided speaking and evaluation
      and foremost, we appreciate and respect each            time on the agenda belongs to their members.
      other.” Mark gave an example of how the Club                What are the lessons learned from Mark
      knows a new member is settling into the culture.        Philip? A thriving club requires only three things:

      Not long ago, the Toastmaster introduced a new              •  Expect excellence,
      member and accidentally mispronounced his                   •  Have a good time, and
      last name, really butchering it. However, this              •  Commit to members.
      latest member smiled and playfully turned the

      tables, killing the Toastmaster’s name. Mark            Photos snagged from the Professionally Speaking club
      said this was significant; everyone laughed and         website. Click here to learn more about the Club.[Editor]
      clapped, and nobody felt terrible about the

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