Page 44 - Voices-2021-12
P. 44
with their gifts. of how it made them feel to give so freely and
Adriane, who was 12, was at the head of the share their beautiful new toys with others. I was
gift-bearing flock. They followed her crunching hoping for something profound. . .
through the snow, darting in and behind the Around the table we went. . . answers came
old cars trying not to be spotted! I watched in, “I felt so happy to share!”
RuthAnne with her curly high ponytail, boots “I was excited when they came to the door!”
and flapper dress sequins shining off the snow. “I was cold!!”
Run, stop, hide, peek. . . next car, run, stop, Then to my flapper girl in the fringy red
hide, peek. . . dress, I pried, “Well RuthAnne, how did that
They stealthily made their way to the front make you feel?”
porch and piled the gifts up and rang the door “I felt like a chicken”
bell. I could see them dash behind the closest car. Ha! A perfect description of the girl in the red
They squealed and giggled when the door was shimmery flapper dress darting between cars!
opened and there was a group gasp of surprise “A Christmas Chicken!” We all laughed ’til
in the doorway. They waited until all of the gifts we fell to the floor!
were inside and darted back to the car the same The presents really never toned down,
way they had gone. Run, stop , hide, peek. . . but our anticipation of Christmas gifts that
Success! Mission accomplished. We went Grandma would send changed us forever.
home to debrief our mission over some hot
cocoa and homemade gingersnaps around the The magic of Christmas IS all about giving.
big pine table. I wanted to get their impressions