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      Experiential Learning

       Lorri Andersen, DTM - Program Quality Director

      Recently, I came upon a paper I had written               That sounds like Toastmasters! To keep me
      several months ago. A friend of mine had               interested, learning needs to impactful, inspiring,

      given a speech as to why she had chosen to join        and fun. That’s what I feel about Toastmasters
      Toastmasters. Describing herself as a lifelong         and that is what I believe about TLI, Toastmasters
      learner, not only did she want to overcome the         Leadership Institute.
      fear of public speaking, but she also wanted to           So tell me why should I, or anyone, go to

      meet new people and become a leader. That’s a          TLI? I’m an officer and I need to keep my officer
      tall order. Yet, if you have big goals and you have    skills sharp.
      the stamina to pursue them, it can be done.               But TLI is more than that. TLI is experiential
          Learning then takes on a whole new meaning.        in the fact that it allows people to exchange ideas

      It’s interesting, we go to school and when we          and collaborate, you can meet people across
      leave, we have a bank of stored information.           the District, United States, and even around the
      Without adding regularly to that knowledge, we         world, and there are so many things to learn.
      are likened to a book on our shelves. Instead, if      Have you looked at the agenda and the number

      we use our knowledge to inspire ourselves and          of sessions offered? Check out the program here.
      others to learn more, then we can say we are              I have met amazing people at our Virtual
      lifelong learners.                                     TLI’s who have now become friends. With
          What were your education goals this year?          Zoom and the internet, I have made friends

      Have you achieved everything you set out to            across oceans I never would have had we not had
      do? Are you on tract to read all the books you         virtual Education. It has allowed me to broaden
      wanted? Often it seems like so many things get         my scope on learning. If you have not attended
      in the way of our goals.                               a TLI and you are curious,

          What if you viewed learning differently?              I am planting seeds for my future. Two years
      Have you thought about experiential learning?          ago, I had no idea what my world would be like
      It takes textbook reading to get to the next           today. With the amount of knowledge TLI offers
      level. You start with reading and then continue        and the availability to learn, being a part of it will

      with experiential education “. . .it builds on past    prepare me to take the next steps in my journey.
      knowledge and experiences, encourages collaboration    It’s going to be an awesome event; I can’t wait
      and exchange of ideas and perspectives, and can take   to meet you there. Let’s talk after and reflect on
      place in the classroom, in the community, or in the    our experiences!

      workplace. . .” [1]
          Another way to so it is: “Experiential learning is   [1] (, 08/09.18)
      an engaged learning process whereby students “learn    [2] (, 2021]
      by doing” and by reflecting on the experience”  [2]

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