Page 12 - voices-2021-11
P. 12
In Appreciation. . .
Eldred Brown, DTM
Director 7 Director
By the time you’re reading this article, you’ve Our PR Manager, Admin Manager, Finance Manager, and
most likely celebrated our annual Thanksgiving IPDD—Up to the day she left the team, our first
holiday. Thinking about Thanksgiving and PR Manager (PRM), Charissa Yang, did fabulous
all that I have to be thankful for, despite the work on our social media presence to keep our
continued stresses of COVID-19, the continued Facebook content fresh and engaging. Despite
inability to run in-person meetings, and our getting a late start to the year, our new PRM,
continued global membership declines, I really Stephana Johnson, has done an excellent job of
do have a lot to be thankful for as your District keeping our D7 presence on social media just
Director. as vibrant.
Have you noticed her live interviews and
The Trio—I have thoroughly enjoyed working with videos on our D7 Facebook Group? When we
the other two members of our Trio, PQD Lorri have a D7 event ready to publicize, we can rest
Andersen and CGD Jim Robison. Both have assured that she’s going to pepper us with a lot
shown incredible devotion to their work for you, of thoughtful questions to elicit from us what
the members of our District’s Clubs. Lorri and she needs to know to get the word out to our
Jim understand what it’s like to be Toastmasters, intended target audience. Graham Smith, our
and from that understanding, they have both Admin Manager, has been producing timely
contributed excellent ideas on how to serve and transcriptions and minutes of our D7 Zoom
support you. They know how to work together meetings, which you can see on the District
as a team. Each of us is a different person with Business section of our D7 website. Finance
different experiences and different points of Manager Jamie Gould has been taking amazing
view, yet we’ve been able to consistently meld advantage of his second year on the D7 leadership
all our ideas together into robust support for all team to keep our financial records straight and
our Clubs. For that, I am exceedingly grateful to ready for the upcoming mid-year audit. And
both Lorri and Jim. have you all noticed how quickly our IPDD
and District Leadership Chair, PJ Kleffner, has