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In Appreciation. . .

 Eldred  Brown, DTM

 Director 7 Director

     published his call for candidates for next year?       submitting their club visit reports early. In
     For all this, I am exceedingly grateful to Charissa,   fact, prior to the end of October, we had the
     Stephana, Graham, Jamie, and PJ.                       highest percentage of club visit reports already
                                                            submitted of the 9 Districts in our Region.
     Our Division Directors: Tiger, Crystal, Janet, Dave, Nadine, Yuri,   That caught the eye of our Region Advisor and

     Suzanne, and Laurie—All our Division Directors are     left him quite impressed by the work our Area
     leading their Divisions well. Many are holding         Directors have been doing. Our Area Directors
     regular Area Council meetings with their Area          have been active in attending Area Director

     Director teams. Communication with our                 training, participating in District Leadership
     Division Directors has been good, and our              Team events, supporting the club officer
     District Executive Committee meetings quite            training efforts of their District and their
     productive. Dave Bones, our Division D Director        Divisions, and being of service to their clubs.
     and reigning D7 Toastmaster of the Year, has           One of our Area Directors has even proposed

     risen to the forefront of our District as our new      a means for offering support to low-member
     Pathways guru. All of our Division Directors have      clubs that we on the Trio are now working to
     taken active responsibility for offering makeup        implement throughout the District. For all the

     Club officer training to ensure that as many of        above, I am exceedingly grateful to all of our
     our Club officers who want training get trained.       35 Area Directors, plus all those who had to
     I am excited about what our Division Directors         leave the team for a variety of reasons.
     have done and what they plan to do. For that, I
     am exceedingly grateful to our Division Director       Looking at what our District leaders have

     team of Tiger, Crystal, Janet, Dave, Nadine, Yuri,     done so far this year, I truly have a lot to be
     Suzanne, and Laurie.                                   thankful for. Our D7 leadership team has been
                                                            an excellent team, and I thank everyone of

     Our 35 Area Directors—Our Area Directors have been     you for doing your part to make this year so
     leading Region 1 in visiting their clubs often and     awesome.

                                                                               VOICES! | NOVEMBER 2021          13
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